Monday, February 13, 2023

Praise deserved

IT’S not every day that I wish I were in the shoes of Martin Antonio G. Zamora, better known to family, friends and colleagues as Dennis. Why such a nickname I can relate in a future article but for today’s purposes let’s keep it at that.

As I said, it’s not every day that I wish I were in the shoes of Dennis because why would I like to be in the shoes of a boringly straight guy? Never mind that he is a superb golfer with a happy family life and a multibillion business empire to run. I am happy working with and for him, but wish I were in his shoes? Hardly ever.

Except for last Saturday.

Last Saturday was a special day at Rio Tuba Nickel (RTN) in Barangay Rio Tuba, Bataraza, Palawan. It was the nickel mining operation that Dennis’ father, Atty. Manuel B. Zamora Jr (MBZ to us) helped found in the 1960s together with his mentor, the banker Leonides S. Virata. Over the years, RTN grew to become for many years the largest nickel mining operation in the Philippines and even host the first successful nickel ore processing plant in the world (!!!) which was opened in the early 2000s and built at a cost of about $600 million.

Anyway, for over 20 years (with a few gap years) since 1991, MBZ has been funding a medical mission jointly led by Dr. Archie Lamadrid and US-based Dr. Robinson Baron. The mission visits Rio Tuba and the NAC mining communities in Surigao, and has over the years given critical attention to close to 20,000 indigent people. Last Saturday was the close of the Rio Tuba mission for 2023, and MBZ wanted to fly to RTN himself because the locals were planning a testimonial for the mission doctors and staff and he wanted to witness it himself. Well, it became a testimonial for MBZ as well.

Now, where does Dennis fit in?

During his remarks, MBZ (now Senior Adviser to the Board of Nickel Asia) noted that he wanted this trip to be his farewell trip. (Actually, he said that same thing during his January 2019 visit, so it’s clear that not even God knows when that “last trip” is going to be!).

He also stopped and looked at all the staff who are used to hearing bonus announcements from him and said, “I know you are waiting for me to make an announcement. Sorry. I no longer have the power.”

He then said:

“When I decided to retire, I suddenly discovered the secret to being a successful retiree of Rio Tuba Nickel Mining Corporation when I decided to give my son the appointment of new president of Rio Tuba Mining Corporation.

“Since then, the company has grown by leaps and bounds and its profitability and other indicators of corporate success have multiplied under his leadership. And I have to confess I have no contribution to this.

MBZ continued: “He has completely ignored me since he became President. I believe in the beginning I was completely disappointed that I no longer was being consulted on major decisions and then I realized that I assured the company of my lasting contribution to its success by giving Dennis the reins of leadership of the company. And so, I would like to publicly acknowledge this…”


I haven’t known MBZ long, and in the short time I’ve engaged with him I’ve gotten to appreciate his cutting and sardonic wit, and the grudging way he dispenses with praise.

Actually, sometimes I feel that it will be easier to pull teeth out of MBZ than to get him to praise someone because he always has a side remark that will cut you up as it cuts up the person it is directed at.

At times, I even feel that MBZ tries his best to hide his soft spot. But if you have engaged with him enough, you’ll know that beneath that external serious mien lurks someone warm and caring and doing his darnest best not to look it.

And so, it was in keeping with MBZ being MBZ that when I went to see him at the RTN Guest Lodge to ask permission to leave ahead of the pack as they were flying direct to Manila while I was taking a four-hour land trip to Puerto to catch a late evening PAL flight to Manila, we had this exchange:

Me: Sir, I’ll go ahead to Puerto as I will catch the evening flight.

MBZ: Ok. Go ahead, go ahead.

Me: Sir, thank you for your words about my boss, Dennis, who has the power now.

MBZ: I was just kidding.

Try harder sir!

Happy for you, Dennis. Praise well deserved.

 Leslie Arizala Talde; Winnie Patron; Christine Rafael Bertiz; Maricel Santiago; Mary Angelyn Enoy Elagor-Labisig; Criselda Crisostomo; Emmanuelle Zamora; ate Natividad Paulo; Giancarlo Aberin Licudine; Benigno Castro; Samantha Nicole Montero daughter of Gerlie Montero; pare Ichi Katsuta; Gail Perez; Cef Olegario; Sis Mariah Mariquit Pregoner

Mama Beng Guzman mother of Andrea Guzman

 Elhy John Matthew Datol; Yanyan Martin Bayle; bhe Jeralyn Gutierrez; Tommy Rivera

Happy wedding anniversary; Ronnie and Tess Bang; Shirley and Mhike Tisuela; Caren and Cris Polo

Feliceto M. Bañares

advance happy birthday and valentines day Ate Zol Umbaña Pong

belated happy birthday Liam John Dela Cruz; Jeresa Tialengko

 MaElena Escurel Ram; Caren Valdiviso; Lirees Sales; Magdalena Nana Diamante; Elma Zate Sanidad; Renford Harris son of Wilbur Harris; Jackreil Bucol Dongon; Baby Fio Montemayor; Tita Anewor De Leon; Kuya Jan Ryan Rillo; Araceli Recones Deonio and Abi-giel Deonio (February 12)

Get well soon Louriefe Sosmeña Baldemor

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