Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Discover How David Faced The Giant

 Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past.  Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you. Deuteronomy 32:7, NIV

Long ago, the poetic bard, William Shakespeare wrote, “There’s a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will!” The overview of history confirms what he wrote. The problem, however, is that we often forget our lessons from history, or the mistakes of others and make the same mistakes that our forebears made.

That was true in a Judean village known as Bethlehem. Yes, we know Bethlehem as the place where Jesus was born, but about 1,000 years before Mary and Joseph left Nazareth and came to Bethlehem, a man whose name was Jesse lived in the hills of Bethlehem. Go to Bethlehem today and you will see dozens of shops all replete with souvenirs targeting the tourist who wants to take home something as a reminder of their visit, but in the days of Jesse, things were much different.

The Philistines, a marauding tribe descended on Israel, and because they had weapons of iron took over the cities on the coast such as Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gath.  Furthermore, they practiced psychological warfare. A giant of a man who went by the name of Goliath, said to be about nine feet tall, met the army of Israel in the valley of Elah. And, by the way, the valley is still there, very much as it was in the days of David and Goliath. Jesse, who lived in Bethlehem, sent several of his sons to serve with the army of the Hebrews who were constantly insulted and cursed by the giant who seemed to be impervious to any assaults of the Jews.

Here’s the biblical account: “And Israel and the Philistines drew up for battle, army against army. And David left the things in charge of the keeper of the baggage and ran to the ranks and went and greeted his brothers. As he talked with them, behold, the champion, the Philistine of Gath, Goliath by name, came up out of the ranks of the Philistines and spoke the same words as before. And David heard him.  All the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him and were much afraid. And the men of Israel said, ‘Have you seen this man who has come up? Surely he has come up to defy Israel.  And the king will enrich the man who kills him with great riches and will give him his daughter and make his father’s house free in Israel.’

“And David said to the men who stood by him, ‘What shall be done for the man who kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach from Israel? For who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?’  And the people answered him in the same way, ‘So shall it be done to the man who kills him.’  Now Eliab, his eldest brother, heard when he spoke to the men.  And Eliab’s anger was kindled against David, and he said, ‘Why have you come down? And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness? I know your presumption and the evil of your heart, for you have come down to see the battle'” (1 Samuel 17:21-28).

What follows is one of the best-known stories in the Bible–that of David’s confrontation with an implacable giant of a man who by all rights and purposes should have taken out David with one blow.  Instead God gave David a great victory!

A final thought. The God of David is yet alive and in the business of delivering His children. The Divinity that shapes our ends can also deliver you today! David trusted God completely and so must we if we see deliverances from the giants that taunt us and would destroy us. Trust Him and await His deliverance. It’s the only way you can really win.


Resource reading: 1 Samuel 17:32-54


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 31, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 31, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 30, 2021

This Is The Man After God’s Own Heart


He is venerated by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Mentioned 16 times in the Koran, the biography of this man is longer than the narrative of any other person in the Bible, including Jesus Christ whose biography was written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Identified as a “Man after God’s own heart,” this person was completely human and flawed. Can you identify him? His name was David and he is mentioned more than 1,000 times in Scripture. In this series we’re going to highlight David’s life and how the lessons he learned, some very painfully, are equally valid in today’s culture and society.

In all probability David never knew his great grandmother, in that people in those days didn’t live as long as they do today; however, you can be rock-solid certain that he heard about her. He name was Ruth, and she had a son whose name was Obed, and Obed had a son whose name was Jesse, and his eighth son was David.

About 1200 B.C. the Philistines or “Sea Peoples” came sweeping down from the North and they brought with them the secret of producing iron and established themselves as a political power that had to be reckoned with. When push came to shove, they made inroads into Judea and this was part of the reason that the people wanted a king–someone who was powerful and could organize resistance against the Philistines.

The first king was a giant of a man but a pygmy when it came to good sense and government. His name was Saul, a native of Gibeah in Benjamin. When it became apparent that Saul was inadequate, God spoke to Samuel, a prophet, and gave him a task: go to Bethlehem where a man whose name was Jesse whose son was to be the next king.

Samuel went south to the city of Bethlehem. Today Bethlehem lies almost in suburban Jerusalem, but in David’s day it was an ancient city with lots of history. When Samuel came to the house of Jesse his task was complicated by the fact that Jesse has a number of sons. No doubt Jesse was blown away at the prospect of becoming the father of the next king of Israel. Samuel asked for his sons to be presented to him. One by one they were brought before the prophet, probably starting with the oldest one (usually the one who succeeded his father) and as Samuel saw them the Spirit of God quietly whispered, “This is not the one!”

When the seventh son came before the prophet and there was no affirmation that this was the one, he asked, “Have you no more sons?” Reluctantly Jesse told him that his eighth son, a mere lad, was tending the family’s small flock of sheep on a nearby hillside. His name was David and when he finally stood before the old prophet, the Spirit of God whispered, “This in the one!”  And Samuel took the anointing oil and poured it upon David’s head, and from that moment, according the Scripture, the Spirit of the Lord filled David’s heart and almost simultaneous with that God removed the Holy Spirit from King Saul and sent a troublesome spirit that vexed him.

Then when the older brothers heard that David would one day be king, they rejoiced and treated him with respect. Not exactly! If you know the story of David’s life, you realize that shortly thereafter a Philistine giant whose name was Goliath began to vex the army of Israel and little brother was sent with provisions for the army. His brothers treated him with distain and rebuked him for leaving the little flock of sheep to come to the battle. And the rest of the story, you know!

Resource reading: 1 Samuel 16:13.


WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 30, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

The World Tonight | ANC (27 August 2021)

Learn More About The Life and Testimony of Anne Frank

 “I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.” Jeremiah 29:14

Four years after Anne Frank was born in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, Adolph Hitler came to power.  Shortly thereafter, Otto Frank began to have concern for his family.  You see, the Franks were Jewish, and it soon became apparent that Jews did not fit into Hitler’s grand scheme for a master race.  Thinking that they were escaping the increasing hatred against the Jews, the family fled to beautiful Amsterdam.

Then in May, 1940, the Nazis marched onto Holland, and the feeble resistance of the underground quickly collapsed.  The Nazis were in control.  Within days, new regulations were issued which sought to identify Jews, and to restrict their movement.  Eventually, it became illegal to befriend a Jew or to provide sanctuary for one in his home.

In June, 1942, as a birthday gift, Anne Frank was given a diary, a little book containing blank pages which were eventually to chronicle the sad days of confinement and striving to escape the fate of thousands of other Jews who were loaded into cattle cars and sent to their deaths in the concentration camps of Europe.

Otto, fearing that the time would come when his family would be forced to either board one of those ill-fated death trains or go into hiding, prepared an annex at the back of a row house on the Prinsengracht Canal—a tiny attic which could be reached by a narrow, steep stairway concealed by a bookcase.

On a warm morning in July 1942, a letter was delivered to the Frank house which forever changed their lives.  Margot, Anne’s 16-year-old sister, was ordered to report to police.  On July 8, Anne made an entry in her diary: “Margot is sixteen; would they really take girls of that age away alone?  But thank goodness she won’t go, Mummy said so herself; that must be what Daddy meant when he talked about us going into hiding.”

For the next two years, the family existed in a tiny attic with inadequate food and sanitation.  Day by day in the pages of this little book, Anne penned her thoughts, her dreams, and her despair.

On July 11, 1942, she wrote, “I can’t tell you how oppressive it is never to be able to go outdoors.  I am afraid we shall be discovered and be shot.  That is not exactly a pleasant prospect.”

Eventually what had been feared happened.  On August 4, 1944, a truck stopped outside 233 Prinsengracht.  Soldiers ran up the three flights of stairs and headed for the bookcase concealing the entrance to the attic.  The family was taken to the police station, then on to Westerbork, a transit camp where Jews were held before being sent to forced labor or an extermination camp.

Sadly, the family was placed on the very last train for Auschwitz where Anne, then 16, died of typhus.  Anne’s diary was left lying on the floor of the attic hiding place, and eventually it was found and has been translated into more than 50 languages for the world to see life through the eyes of a child who would never live to see the tulips of beautiful Amsterdam. One entry in her diary reads, “What, of what is the use of war?  Why can’t people live peacefully together?  Why all this destruction?”  Anne’s father, Otto, alone lived through the horrible ordeal.  Of the 140,000 Jews living in Holland at the beginning of the war, only 30,000 survived.  May God help us to remember there is but one race: the human race.  If we fail to remember we are all made in the image of God, it could happen again. Think about it!

Resource reading: Jeremiah 29:10-14


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 27, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 27, 2021


WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 27, 2021

Sakto | TeleRadyo (27 August 2021)

Happy birthday:
Fr. Joseph Raquid, OP
Pastora Maria Cecilia Cabrera of Jesus the Great Warrior
Pastora Lydia Wales of JIL GMA, Cavite
Pastor Victor Maliksi Navarez of Saving Grace Church
Kagawad Val Iglesias, Jr. of Barangay Rosario, Pasig City

ANG PANDEMYA NG TAKOT | Kape't Pandasal kasama si Rissa Singson-Kawpeng

Thursday, August 26, 2021

WATCH: President Rodrigo #Duterte's Talk to the Nation (August 26, 2021)

Discover How God Works In All Lives

I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.  1 Corinthians 1:10

Some of God’s choicest servants are those whose names are little known on earth but will be prominently lauded in heaven. Such is a German-born missionary working among Bulgarians of Turkish descent known as Pomaks.  I met Thomas when I was ministering in Bulgaria. Having heard something of this man’s fierce determination to take the Word of God to people who don’t fit into the grandiose evangelistic plans of many mission organizations, I told my host that I wanted to meet this man.

Subsequently we were invited to his home for a meal. Leaving the nicer area of Bulgaria’s second largest city, Plovdiv, where there are lovely shops, apartments, and stores such as you find in Western Europe, the neighborhood began to change as horse-drawn carts replaced European cars such as BMWs, Mercedes, Fiats, and Skodas. The neighborhood is known as a Mahala.  A more descriptive word is the synonym ghetto—a place where thousands of Muslims, Turks by nationality, are living.

Arriving at a somewhat decrepit concrete building, one built during the days of the USSR, we walked up nine floors to a small apartment, sparsely furnished but filled with the enticing smells of Bulgarian food.

Behind every individual who really accomplishes anything for God is a story, and Thomas Otto’s is about as unreal as any you have ever heard. In the 60s, he was a young man searching for meaning in life who took his backpack and decided to take on the world. Ending up in Istanbul where cheap drugs, wild parties, and rebellious youth were in abundance, Thomas ran out of money.

By chance—no, by God’s appointment—he met a missionary who recognized that this young man needed help and invited him to his apartment for a bath and a few warm meals. In the process the missionary talked to him about Jesus Christ and how God’s Son came to bring purpose to life. He was skeptical, even somewhat hostile, but he needed more than food and a bed. He needed something he saw in the lives of his hosts and ultimately came to Christ.

Eventually he married, and the Ottos began working among Turks; and as he grew in spiritual maturity, he began sharing the Good News. Then when authorities learned what was happening, the Ottos were asked to leave Turkey.

Coming to nearby Bulgaria, Thomas learned that here was a mission field of 700,000 Turks with Bulgarian citizenship, isolated from the mainstream of life with no Bible they could readily read. Translating the New Testament and Psalms into Cyrillic characters that Turks could read took two-and-a-half years. And then it was published and has been quite widely distributed.

As we enjoyed a lovely meal prepared by his wife, we talked about the challenges of his ministry. “What do you consider to be the most difficult challenge facing you here?” I asked, expecting him to talk about the hostility of the Orthodox Church towards Evangelicals who are thought of as cultists, not Christians.  Or the growing hostility of segments of Islam who teach youth that Christians are enemies.

But thinking for a moment, Thomas replied, “The jealousies and opposition of other Christians whose churches are not growing and who strive to undermine what we are doing!”  Strange, is it not, that the greatest hindrances to reaching a lost world often come from those within the fold?  “Friendly fire!” is the term the military uses when one of its own is brought down. I think God, though, would have a far more descriptive term for it. Don’t you?  Remember that old cliche, “Living with the saints above may be glory, but living with the saints below is quite another story?” May God help us to remember who are our own!

Resource reading: 1 Corinthians 1:10-17


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 26, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 26, 2021


WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 26, 2021

PANOORIN: Press briefing with Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque | Au...

Sakto | Teleradyo (26 August 2021)

Happy birthday:
Fr. Arthur Dingel, OP
Fr. Roberto Ceferino Pinto, OP
Br. Gian Linardo Estrella, OP
Pastor Ceferino "Jeff" Hernandez of JIL Deparo-Llano, Caloocan City
Rev. Fr. Gino Santos, MJ
Rev. Fr. Victor Emmanuel I. Clemen
Ria Gutierrez Lim
Mikee Martinez
Sen. Leila de Lima
get well soon Mommy Bhing Barra

UGALING HESUS | Kape't Pandasal kasama si Fr Kali Llamado

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The World Tonight | ANC (25 August 2021)

David Chua is now a proud Regal Baby

Local showbiz’s favorite oppa David Chua is now a full-fledged Regal Baby.

The chinito heartthrob, together with his fellow actors and actresses from ALV Talent Circuit, trooped to 39 Valencia Events Place last Friday Afternoon, August 20, to sign a two-year, eight-movie contract with Regal Films, one of the local industry’s prolific film production outfits headed by its respected matriarch, Mother Lily Monteverde.

Aside from David, rounding up Regal Babies Batch 2021 are renewing artists Kris Bernal, Teejay Marquez, Kiko Estrada; Miss World Philippines queens Casie Banks, Shannon Kerver, Katrina Llegado, Roberta Tamondong and Daena Resurreccion; and young hunks RJ Agustin, JB Saliba, Carlo Galano and Julian Roxas.

“It’s a dream come true,” exclaims David who admits to watching some of Regal Films’ most iconic films during his growing up years. “I think that had such a profound influence on me, and I’m sure those films affected me immensely, to the point where I vowed to be an actor someday. I’m a huge fan of the Regal Shocker movies.”

The star-studded contract signing also doubled as a fitting post-birthday celebration for the well-loved Regal matriarch who turned 83 just a day before, August 19.

Although he didn’t get to meet Mother Lily, David couldn’t help but still be awestruck, not just by her legacy as a filmmaker, but by her innate charm and lovable personality as well.

“It’s amazing how she’s still so vibrant and healthy,” David exclaims. “I think her naturally positive disposition, her passion for music, and of course, the continuous outpouring of love from family and friends always keeps her young, despite the lingering health crisis.”

“I think she deserves a lifetime achievement award for her role in discovering and mentoring some of our biggest stars,” he adds.

Onhand to witness the contract signing was ALV Talent Circuit top honcho Arnold Vegafria, himself a respected talent manager and movie producer as well.

“This is clearly a blessing to our celebrities,” Vegafria says. “Of course, with the ongoing pandemic, work has been scarce for most of our talents. That’s why we wanted to create these opportunities that we hope will bring the local showbiz industry back to life.”

Vegafria adds, “Of course, big, big thanks to Mother Lily and her daughter Roselle Monteverde, who believes in David and all our other talents. I’m excited because, of course, after this, we’ll be brainstorming over a lot of new film projects that will definitely bring back the glory days of the Regal Films empire.”

Thankfully, David has kept himself busy these past months with his directorial duties for his very own production outfit, Dark Carnival Productions, as well as his occasional behind-the-scenes work for Korina Sanchez‘s long-running TV show, Rated Korina.

While still few and far between, these ventures have kept him at bay while waiting for the go-signal for his TV5 projects under the auspice of his co-manager Jojie Dingcong, which were unfortunately sidelined since the start of last year’s pandemic.

He’s looking forward to the completion of his very own film production studio, slated for its grand unveiling around September. Located in Manila’s bustling Chinatown district, the 670 sqm facility also doubles as a convenient location for film shoots and post-production work.

He explains, “I’m very excited about the birth of this new baby of ours. We figured it would be more cost-effective to have our own space, and have something to offer as well to our brothers in the industry.”

Taking his cue from the 1989 Kevin Costner movie Field of Dreams, David believes, “If you build it, they will come.”

David is also excited about the prospect of directing some of Regal’s web series projects. He says, “I was chatting with Ms. Roselle, and I told her that I’d like to try my hand at directing maybe one or two of their films someday. She asked me what genre I’d be most comfortable with, and I said horror. I’m crossing my fingers and pray that happens soon!“


Stop Taking Shortcuts In Your Life

 And so, you stayed in Kadesh many days–all the time you spent there. Deuteronomy 1:46

Have you ever had a conversation that went something like this: “Honey, I think you are on the wrong road. I just saw the sign back there and we missed our turn about five miles back.”  The husband answers, “Now, nothing to worry about. I know a shortcut that will save us a lot of time.”

The only problem is that the shortcut your husband knew about 20 years ago is no longer there, and the shortcut ends up being a much longer journey than if you had stayed with the main highway.”

Short-cuts usually end up costing you more time and money than if you stayed on the more traveled highway. Pastor Craig Clapper painfully learned that “hot tips” about getting to where you want to go can ultimately cost you dearly. That lesson was driven home when he was on a 54-day hike along the Appalachian Trail (a 2000+ mile stretch of mountainous terrain that reaches from Vermont to Georgia in the Eastern United States).

Here’s how Craig described his experience:

It took a life-threatening experience for me to understand the importance of traveling right. In the White Mountains of New Hampshire, there was a significant storm. I got a tip from another hiker that I could go off the main trail and work my way around the mountain, avoiding the worst of the storm. That side trail was a big mistake. I fell off a cliff and could have died. I got myself in a heap of trouble; I’ll have scars for the rest of my life from that fall. From that I learned that we must always travel right, never getting off the path God has for us.[1]

Shortcuts come in all sizes and descriptions. They are an attempt to get you somewhere the easy way, to get something you do not deserve, or to avoid something which you ought to face.  Life is a lot like a journey which involves a starting point and an ultimate destination—one that can be reached only one way.

I often think of the 40-year sojourn of God’s children in the wilderness. Actually, the journey to Arad in the southern part of the Negev could have been made in less than 14 days (See Deuteronomy 1:2), but God has something else in mind, something they would learn only by facing the wilderness.

The King James translation of Romans 12:17 says we are to provide things “honest” in the sight of all men. Another translation put it, “Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.” And that means avoid the shortcut, the path to what you want or where you want to go which entails questionable means.

Would you be comfortable in flying on an airplane that was 98% safe, realizing that you are playing the odds which, of course, are in your favor but could capriciously let you down?  Would you be just as uneasy if the inspector simply signed off on the safety record without actually making repairs which were vital to the safety of an aircraft?

Long ago William Shakespeare wrote, “To thine own self be true, and it shall follow as does day the night, thou canst not then be false to any man.” Living with your conscience, regardless of whether or not your “shortcut” becomes public knowledge, means doing the right thing, no matter who is watching.

Living without shortcuts means that you will someday stand in the presence of God with no regrets, no secrets, and best of all, no shame.  It may be the longer path to where you want to go, but it is the surer one; of that you can be certain. Remember, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”

Resource reading: Deuteronomy 1:1-8

[1] Craig Clapper, “A Delightful Pause,” Spirit of Revival, Spring, 2008, 28.


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 25, 2021

Senate OKs postponement of BARMM polls to 2025 on 2nd reading

The Senate approved on second reading Wednesday, August 25, the bill seeking to postpone the May, 2022 election in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

Senate Bill No. 2214 seeks to amend the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) and move the elections in the BARMM from May, 2022 to 2025.

The measure also states that “upon the expiration of the incumbent members of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA), the President shall appoint 80 members of the BTA who shall serve up to June 30, 2025, or until their successors have been elected.”

The representation provided in the BOL would still be followed, senators agreed.

Not all senators, however, were convinced that next year’s Bangsamoro polls should be deferred, with Senator Panfilo Lacson registering his “no” vote, and Senators Imee Marcos and Ralph Recto saying they abstain on the approval of the bill.

During the plenary deliberations, Senator Francis Tolentino, sponsor of the bill, maintained the need to move the BARMM’s first regular election, citing the absence of an electoral code to govern the proceedings. He also appealed for the extension of the region’s transition supposedly derailed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tolentino also opposed Marcos’ proposal to defer the election only until December, 2023, arguing that previous Supreme Court rulings have stated that elections in the region, formerly called Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), must be synchronized with the national and local elections.

“We might jeopardize even the normalization process, the peace process, and all the mandates given to the Bangsamoro Transition Authority,” the chairperson of the Senate local government committee said.

For his part, Lacson, among several concerns, also said that the people of the BARMM should be consulted on the proposed suspension of their election.

“Since they ratified, as part of the BOL, the elections to be held May of next year, then isn’t it proper that they should also be consulted by way of a plebiscite if we are going to postpone the election?…Wouldn’t be unconstitutional if we don’t consult in the plebiscite the people who ratified [it]?” Lacson said in his interpellation on Tuesday, August 24.

While members of his Cabinet supported the postponement of the BARMM elections, President Duterte kept a “neutral” position and let Congress decide on matter.

But on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri said he was informed that Duterte is expected to certify the bill as urgent.


WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 25, 2021


WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 25, 2021

Sakto | TeleRadyo (25 August 2021)

MAG-ISIP! Kape't Pandasal kasama si Fr Nono Alfonso, SJ

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

This Is How to Travel Well

Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years. Deuteronomy 8:2

One lesson that smart travelers learn is that you can’t take it all with you! You usually can spot the first-time-traveler—the person who has the large bulging suitcase held together with a piece of rope or gray tape. The overweight traveler is also apt to get a shock when he or she finds out the cost of overweight luggage. Whereas airlines used to be “traveler friendly,” more likely than not they are struggling with survival and personnel is under stress, just as you are. It isn’t that the person behind the counter doesn’t like you. He’s just trying to keep his job and please his boss, too.

As a veteran traveler, I’ve learned some important lessons over the years, and perhaps you can learn from my personal experience. Let’s get started. If you are going to travel, I have three important suggestions. First, travel light. This means get rid of the heavy Samsonite suitcase and trade it for a lightweight one. Getting nailed at the airport for overweight luggage often costs more than buying a lighter suitcase.

Traveling light is important not only when you fly, but it’s equally important in how you live. Lots of people carry a tremendous load of baggage. Long ago the psalmist wrote, “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22). That is something that you must do. The Hebrew word that we translate “cares” includes a host of ideas and thoughts—burdens, worries, concerns over health, wealth, and your future.

“What’s in your box?” I am occasionally asked when I check in at an airport. The bulky excess baggage that people carry in life may be memories that burn, resentment or anger against someone who has hurt you, a deep-seated fear that something may happen to you because what you fear took down your mother or father.

My friend, John Coloumbe, takes groups to Israel, and before they board a little boat on Galilee, John tells them, “Find a stone that is equal to the burden you are carrying right now and bring it on board with you.” On Galilee, they cut the engine of the little craft, and John tells them, “Look, Peter, who fished here, said we are to cast our burdens on the Lord,” and in the stillness of the moment, one by one, individuals drop their rocks into Galilee, symbolically turning them over to the Lord. Get rid of your excess baggage and take refuge in the Lord.

Next travel right. Over the years we have developed a rule of thumb: “When in doubt, leave it out.” Of course, there are certain essentials, and you will look funny, feel funny, or act funny without them. Don’t trust your memory. A short pencil is better than a long memory, especially if you pack in a hurry or are stressed out with details that make you forget essentials.

Make a standard list of absolute must-have essentials to ensure that what you really need is packed; but remember, you don’t need as much as you think you do. Generally, you are seeing people who won’t remember what you wore, so forget about taking a change for every day you are gone.

Finally, travel cool. When your flight is delayed, your luggage gets lost, or you have a seatmate that talks your head off, keep your cool. When you get stressed out and are in someone’s face, everybody loses. Airline personnel have limited abilities to change some things, so be nice, smile, and talk without raising your voice. It’s the best way to fly. You may not get to your destination any sooner, but you will feel better, look better, and be far more relaxed when you arrive and you can get off the plane with a smile.

Resource reading: Acts 27:13-26


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 24, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 24, 2021


WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 24, 2021

WATCH: Press briefing with Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque | Augus...

Sakto | TeleRadyo (24 August 2021)

Happy birthday:
Punong Barangay Milaner Amoroso of Barangay Tanzang Luma 4, Imus City, Cavite
Annayn Banayag of Baybay City, Leyte
Alberto Paule of Imus City, Cavite
Kapitan Sherwin Comia
Roberto Bobby Grey
Senator and Senate President Tito Sotto

SUKATAN NG KADAKILAAN | Kape't Pandasal kasama si Cardinal Chito Tagle

Sunday, August 22, 2021

TV Patrol livestream | August 22, 2021 Full Episode Replay

WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 22, 2021

#IbalikangABSCBN: On the Spot reverts to original format as a late-afternoon news program

On the Spot, DZMM and TeleRadyo's former Filipino late-afternoon news program is now on ABS-CBN Channel 2, simulcast through the network's flagship AM station DZMM, on its provincial AM stations, pay television news channel DZMM TeleRadyo and global subscription television network TFC, anchored by Tony Velasquez and Danny Buenafe aired every Monday to Saturday at 4 to 4:30 p.m.

It would be simulcast live nationwide via satellite on

ABS-CBN TV stations

  • TV-7 Laoag
  • TV-11 Vigan
  • TV-40 La Union
  • TV-32 Dagupan
  • TV-46 Alaminos
  • TV-11 Abra
  • TV-3 Baguio
  • TV-11 Mountain Province
  • TV-11 Batanes
  • TV-3 Tuguegarao
  • TV-9 Aparri
  • TV-2 Isabela
  • TV-11 Bayombong
  • TV-13 Cabarroguis
  • TV-13 Botolan
  • TV-12 Olongapo
  • TV-22 Bataan
  • TV-46 Pampanga
  • TV-32 Tarlac
  • TV-34 Bulacan
  • TV-16 Malolos
  • TV-12 Meycauayan
  • TV-19 Obando
  • TV-32 Cabanatuan
  • TV-22 Baler
  • TV-40 Rizal
  • TV-6 Calamba
  • TV-46 San Pablo
  • TV-32 Tagaytay
  • TV-10 Batangas
  • TV-38 Lipa
  • TV-24 Lucena
  • TV-9 Hondagua
  • TV-11 Occidental Mindoro
  • TV-21 Calapan
  • TV-7 Puerto Princesa
  • TV-10 Sofronio Española, Palawan
  • TV-9 Brooke's Point, Palawan
  • TV-5 Coron, Palawan
  • TV-52 Kalayaan, Palawan
  • TV-9 Romblon
  • TV-10 Daet
  • TV-11 Naga
  • TV-7 Catanduanes
  • TV-4 Legazpi
  • TV-10 Tabaco
  • TV-10 Masbate
  • TV-7 Sorsogon
  • TV-10 Iloilo
  • TV-9 Kalibo
  • TV-44 Antique
  • TV-21 Roxas
  • TV-4 Bacolod
  • TV-8 Bais
  • TV-40 Murcia
  • TV-7 Cadiz
  • TV-26 Sipalay
  • TV-3 Cebu
  • TV-2 Toledo, Cebu
  • TV-13 Barili, Cebu
  • TV-7 Siquijor
  • TV-9 Bohol
  • TV-12 Dumaguete
  • TV-13 Biliran
  • TV-2 Tacloban
  • TV-5 Catarman
  • TV-7 Catbalogan
  • TV-10 Calbayog
  • TV-38 Borongan
  • TV-42 Dipolog
  • TV-11 Pagadian
  • TV-3 Zamboanga
  • TV-2 Cagayan de Oro
  • TV-2 Malaybalay
  • TV-4 Iligan
  • TV-7 Ozamiz
  • TV-2 Marawi
  • TV-11 Butuan
  • TV-12 Surigao
  • TV-26 Tandag
  • TV-5 Agusan del Sur
  • TV-4 Davao
  • TV-24 Mati
  • TV-23 Baganga
  • TV-11 Malita
  • TV-50 Tagum
  • TV-46 Nabunturan
  • TV-3 General Santos
  • TV-4 Koronadal
  • TV-7 Alabel
  • TV-4 Kidapawan
  • TV-5 Cotabato
  • TV-10 Jolo
  • TV-42 Tawi-Tawi

Radyo Patrol stations:

  • DZLH 1215 Baguio
  • DWBM 657 Bontoc
  • DZBT 612 Tabuk, Kalinga
  • DWEL 1008 Laoag
  • DZXE 837 Vigan
  • DWLA 828 Agoo, La Union
  • DZDL 1377 Dagupan
  • DZBQ 981 Alaminos
  • DWLS 675 Bani, Pangasinan
  • DWUB 621 Urdaneta
  • DZWP 693 Bolinao, Pangasinan
  • DWBN 594 Batanes
  • DWAR 720 Aparri, Cagayan
  • DWST 855 Tuguegarao
  • DWWA 828 Isabela
  • DWXW 89.3 Bayombong
  • DZNI 93.3 Pampanga
  • DWTA 1368 Tarlac
  • DWFE 1512 Olongapo
  • DWFA 1251 Balanga
  • DZCI 729 Cabanatuan
  • DWBR 1188 Baler
  • DZWW 95.1 Calamba
  • DZSB 1197 San Pablo, Laguna
  • DWBG 1080 Batangas
  • DWLI 639 Lucena
  • DWCC 855 Calapan
  • DYAP 765 Puerto Princesa, Palawan
  • DYAT 612 Taytay, Palawan
  • DZDL 864 Daet, Camarines Norte
  • DWBH 1359 Naga
  • DZAB 756 Iriga
  • DWGW 684 Legazpi
  • DZRS 1125 Sorsogon
  • DZAC 90.1 Virac
  • DYIL 1494 Iloilo
  • DYEE 684 San Jose, Antique
  • DYRO 945 Roxas
  • DYNR 666 Bacolod
  • DYBS 1017 Sagay
  • DYAB 1512 Cebu
  • DYBS 1206 Dumaguete
  • DYAW 95.7 Guihulngan, Negros Oriental
  • DYFO 666 Ubay, Bohol
  • DYMM 954 Tacloban
  • DYGB 918 Baybay, Leyte
  • DYAC 792 Catarman
  • DYAN 1476 Calbayog
  • DYRV 1188 Catbalogan
  • DYMD 882 Maasin, Southern Leyte
  • DYSL 1098 Sogod, Southern Leyte
  • DXDF 1332 Zamboanga
  • DXCY 990 Cagayan de Oro
  • DXMI 1026 Iligan
  • DXRM 621 Malaybalay
  • DXCB 106.7 Ozamiz
  • DXNA 91.3 Oroquieta
  • DXAB 1296 Davao
  • DXPD 1233 Digos
  • DXAM 1044 Tagum
  • DXZT 1269 General Santos
  • DXUF 864 Koronadal
  • DXBS 100.1 Kidapawan
  • DXBU 1206 Butuan
  • DXIT 864 Surigao
  • DXSJ 1179 Cotabato
  • DXMU 1557 Marawi
  • DXJC 765 Jolo, Sulu
  • DXTD 1017 Tawi-Tawi

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 22, 2021


IBC TV Program Schedule

During MECQ (April 19-May 14, 2021 and August 21-31, 2021)

Monday to Saturday from 7 am to 7 pm

Sunday from 7 am to 10 am

During GCQ status (May 15-August 5, 2021) and Alert Level (September 16, 2021-present)

Monday to Sunday from 5 am to 3 am


Monday to Friday (Metro Manila)

5 am - Tutok 13

5:30 am - Magandang Umaga Ba?

8:30 am - Bear in the Big Blue House

9 am - Rolie Polie Olie

9:30 am - KapinoyLand

10:30 am - Tom and Jerry Classics

11 am - Tom and Jerry Kids

11:30 am - Ronda Trese

12 pm - Chowtime Na!

1:30 pm - PROADS Marketing Inc. Drama Series

2 pm - Showbiz Unlimited

2:30 pm - Drama Series

3 pm - Drama Series

3:30 pm - EZ Shop

4 pm - EBC Earth Files

4:30 pm - IBC Express Balita

5 pm -

Monday: Good Take

Tuesday and Thursday: Cartoon Festival

Wednesday and Friday: PBA

5:30 pm -

Monday and Thursday: Time Quest

Tuesday: Sky Ranger Gavan

6 pm -

Monday: Mano-Mano Pro Boxing

Tuesday: Jiban

Thursday: Super Pig

6:30 pm -

Tuesday: Ghost Fighter

Thursday: Dragon Quest

7 pm -

Monday: WWE

Tuesday: Premier Night Telecine

Thursday: Pinoy Thriller

8 pm -

Monday: 50 Karats Daw, O Di Ba

Tuesday: Pasikatan sa 13

Thursday: Mga Himala at Gintong Aral ni El Shaddai

9 pm -

Monday: Alagad

Tuesday: Kuh by Special Arrangement

Wednesday: Wednesday's Main Event

Thursday: TeleViva Special

Friday: Reelen & Rocken

10 pm -

Monday: TBA

Tuesday: Super Hot Stuff

Friday: Golf Watch

11 pm - IBC News Tonight

11:30 pm -

Monday: Nation's Peacekeepers: Heroes of our Time

Tuesday: Travel and Trade

Wednesday: Up Close and Personal

Thursday: Kasangga Mo Ang Langit

Friday: Gabay at Aksyon

Monday to Friday (Regional stations)

5 am - Tutok 13

5:30 am - Magandang Umaga Ba?

8:30 am - Bear in the Big Blue House

9 am - Rolie Polie Olie

9:30 am - KapinoyLand

10:30 am - Tom and Jerry Classics

11 am - Tom and Jerry Kids

11:30 am - Ronda Trese

12 pm - Chowtime Na!

1:30 pm - PROADS Marketing Inc. Drama Series

2 pm - Showbiz Unlimited

2:30 pm - Drama Series

3 pm - Drama Series

3:30 pm - EZ Shop

4 pm - EBC Earth Files

4:30 pm - IBC Regional Newscasts

Express Balita Cordillera (IBC Baguio, Laoag, Vigan, Tuguegarao and Isabela)

Express Balita Pampanga (IBC Pampanga)

Express Balita Palawan (IBC Palawan)

Express Balita Bikol (IBC Naga, Camarines Norte, Sorsogon, Virac and Legaspi)

Express Balita Panay (IBC Iloilo and IBC Roxas)

Express Balita Bisaya (IBC Cebu and IBC Dumaguete)

Express Balita Waray (IBC Palo, Leyte)

Express Balita Calaminon (IBC Cagayan de Oro, Iligan and Butuan)

Express Balita Dabawenyo (IBC Davao)

Express Balita Chavacano (IBC Zamboanga and Jolo)

5 pm -

Monday: Good Take

Tuesday and Thursday: Cartoon Festival

Wednesday and Friday: PBA

5:30 pm -

Monday and Thursday: Time Quest

Tuesday: Sky Ranger Gavan

6 pm -

Monday: Mano-Mano Pro Boxing

Tuesday: Jiban

Thursday: Super Pig

6:30 pm -

Tuesday: Ghost Fighter

Thursday: Dragon Quest

7 pm -

Monday: WWE

Tuesday: Premier Night Telecine

Thursday: Pinoy Thriller

8 pm -

Monday: 50 Karats Daw, O Di Ba

Tuesday: Pasikatan sa 13

Thursday: Mga Himala at Gintong Aral ni El Shaddai

9 pm -

Monday: Alagad

Tuesday: Kuh by Special Arrangement

Wednesday: Wednesday's Main Event

Thursday: TeleViva Special

Friday: Reelen & Rocken

10 pm -

Monday: TBA

Tuesday: Super Hot Stuff

Friday: Golf Watch

11 pm - IBC News Tonight

11:30 pm to 12:30 am -

Monday: Nation's Peacekeepers: Heroes of our Time

Tuesday: Travel and Trade

Wednesday: Up Close and Personal

Thursday: Kasangga Mo Ang Langit

Friday: Gabay at Aksyon


5 am - Tutok 13

5:30 am - Magandang Umaga Ba?

7 am - El Shaddai

10:25 am - Badanamu

10:30 am - Tom and Jerry Tales

11 am - Sabong TV

11:30 am - Ronda Trese

12 nn - Chowtime Na!

2:30 pm - Celebrity DAT Com

4 pm - PBA

8 pm - Star for A Night

9 pm - Who Wants To Be A Millonaire?

10 pm - Viva Box Office

12 am - IBC News Tonight: Saturday Edition

12:30 to 1:30 am - Bitag


5 am - Tutok 13

5:30 am - Magandang Umaga Ba?

7 am - Oras ng Katotohanan

8 am - Family TV Mass

9 am - Maya and Miguel

9:30 am - Pagkain Atbp.

10 am - Hataw Pinoy

11 am - A Taste of Life with Heny Sison

12 nn - Ronda Trese

12:30 pm - Top 10 Best Movie Trailers of the Week

1 pm - Ating Alamin

2 pm - Talakayan ng Bayan

3 pm - Nation's Peacekeepers: Heroes of our Time

4 pm - PBA

8 pm - Who Wants To Be A Millonaire?

9 pm - Sinemaks

11 pm - IBC News Tonight: Sunday Edition

11:30 to 3 am - El Shaddai

WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 22, 2021

Friday, August 20, 2021

The World Tonight | ANC (20 August 2021)

THE 700 CLUB ASIA | Sa Diyos Magtiwala | August 20, 2021

How To Find Faith When There Is No Hope

Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son. Genesis 18:14

“According to your faith,” said Jesus Christ, “be it unto you!” (Matthew 9:29, KJV).  What a statement!  He was talking to a man who was blind from birth.  This was no mere psychological stunt; no slight-of-hand trick.  Here was a man who had never seen the white clouds float by, or the smile of a child or the thin wisp of smoke as it curled over a hut in a distant village.  “In the same measure you believe, it will happen to you!”  Is it merely the power of positive thinking, the teaching that believing makes it happen, or is there a missing element in the whole picture?

Jesus was talking to a man who could not be helped by medical science.  Unlike some people’s physical problems stemming from psychosomatic causes, this man was without hope in the natural.  He was blind, and no amount of positive mental gyrations could change that fact.  Yet Jesus flatly asserts that what he desires will happen in relationship to his faith.  Faith in whom?  Faith in what?  The blind man’s faith rested in a person‑‑Jesus Christ.

His perspective was that of a child who had been promised something by a loving Father who could be trusted, and—be very sure—what the blind man wanted— what he asked—for happened.  His eyes were opened and he saw!  Those things just were not supposed to happen.  They were contrary to the laws of nature, contrary to human experience, contrary to everything that men knew to be true; nevertheless, his faith in God produced the impossible.

May I put it in very plain English?  It is easy to assume that things such as I have just described do not happen today.  It is intellectual to be convinced that a man who is blind remains blind unless medical surgery can restore his eyes.  It is the tendency of the unregenerate man to assume that God is uninterested in our condition—if there is a God; but the eyes of faith recognize that there is a totally different perspective, a totally different realm, a different set of rules, one which knows no impossibility.

It is the life of faith, a faith that rests simply in God’s power to do for us what medical science cannot deliver.  There is a theme found in both the Old and New Testaments which, like a haunting refrain, keeps coming to my mind.  This is a question that on at least two occasions God put to men and women.  To Sarah, who had been promised a son when she was an old woman well beyond the age of childbearing, the Lord asked, “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:14).  Later God put the question to Jeremiah, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27, NKJV).

How about it?  Dare you on the wings of faith be so preposterous as to believe God for the impossible?  “According to your faith,” Jesus still says, “be it unto you!”  The secret is faith in the might and power of God.  Faith is not wishful thinking, not simple uneducated presumption.  As Martin Luther put it, “Faith is a lively, reckless confidence in God.”  George Mueller defined faith, “It is the confident assurance that what God has said in His Word is true, and that you can act upon it.”  Faith is standing on the revealed promises of a God who laughs at the impossible.  For a moment think of the biggest challenge in your life.  What is it?  Putting a marriage back together?  Bringing your business back from chaos?  Regaining your health?  Now ask yourself, “Is there anything too hard for the God of all flesh?”

Resource reading: Hebrews 11:1-39


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 20, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 20, 2021

Olympic figure skater Michael Martinez will miss 2022 Winter Games

Michael Christian Martinez will not be competing in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China.

This after the Philippine Skating Union (PHSU) announced that Sofia Frank and Edrian Celestino will be the country's representatives to the Nebelhorn Trophy on September 22-25.

Only one skater per gender is allowed per country in the Nebelhorn Trophy, which is the final Olympic qualifying event to be held in Germany.

Martinez, the first Southeast Asian figure skater to compete in the Winter Olympics, reportedly had to sit out due to injury.

He represented the Philippines in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics and the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Games.

Martinez, who took a hiatus from figure skating after the 2018 Winter Olympics, recently set up a GoFundMe page with the goal of raising $50,000 to support his qualifying campaign for the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022. 



WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 20, 2021

Sakto | TeleRadyo (20 August 2021)

Happy birthday:
Kagawad Roy Ombrog of Barangay Santa Lucia, Pasig City
Roberto Galang, president and CEO of TV5
Fr. Franklin Beltran, OP
Br. Reginald Robles Zamora, OP
Pastor Ferdinand Atienza of God's Dwelling Place Christian Church
Bro. Mike Velarde
Bro. Joel Alvarez of El Shaddai Gospel Music Ministry
Nicanor Hernandez father of Noel Olidar Hernandez
Bernie Deatras
Steph Ongkiko
Dr. Bernard Regalado
Susan Africa
Aria Ang from Ryan Ang
Ate Rose Medina
Norie Oliveros
Kagawad Ver Marcos
Mayor Edwin Olivarez of Paranaque City
Barangay Chairman Sammy Compasibo of Barangay San Juan II, General Trias City, Cavite
Maestro Raul Lantican
mama Luisa Aguinaldo
Vice Mayor Leovy Morpe of Rosario, Batangas
Riki Cerezo from Rowena Villanueva Cerezo
Lynn Mendoza, Officer-in-Charge of the Office of the Schools Division Superintendent, DepEd Occidental Mindoro
pareng Jacob Agapay Tan
Raine Cabudol
tita Josie Reyes
Jhon Rhaye Labarrete
Frizz Gonzales
Minda Velasco
Bro. Jake Bryan Bartolome and Bro. Allen Allen of JTG Sun Valley Church
Ronald Malayang
pre Louie Evangelista
Mayor Cristina Diaz of San Mateo, Rizal
Elma Grospe
Carl Louie Barrameda
Anrica Malbas
Trixie Nicole Bojangin
Ate Myrnz Walker Malax
Kurt Fuyong
Kagawad Bernard Manaig of Barangay Lawa, Calamba City, Laguna
Audie Bermejo
happy wedding anniversary Katherine & Bryan Neo; Elsa & Ronald Camungao; Gladys & Kim Amor; Jyron & Dianne Padilla; Abby & John Paul Del Rosario; Gretchin & Toy Bayna; Lilibeth & Floro Tarnate Jr.; Louise and Nicolson Pasagad; happy 4th wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. @Jelly May Cabillo 
belated happy birthday Diorel Pecito (Aug. 19)


ANG MAKAPANGYARIHAN | Kape't Pandasal kasama si Rissa Singson-Kawpeng

Comelec postpones 5 plebiscites

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) will postpone five plebiscites, including one that will decide whether to divide Maguindanao into two provinces, until after the May 9, 2022, national and local elections.

In a resolution issued last week, the Comelec said it needed to set a cut-off date for the conduct of plebiscites in order to put all its resources into the preparation for next year’s national and local elections.

The plebiscites, which the Comelec said will be conducted “within four months from the end of the election period,” we're supposed to ratify dividing Maguindanao into two provinces; converting the municipality of Calaca in Batangas province into a component city; converting San Jose Del Monte City into a highly urbanized city; creating Barangay New Canaan in the municipality of Alabel, Sarangani; and merging Barangay District 1 with Barangay District 28 and renaming Barangay 29 in Ormoc City. —DONA Z. PAZZIBUGAN

The history of House Bill No. 6413:



SUBMITTED ON 2020-02-27


RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval in substitution of House Bills Numbered 3405 and 4840



















REMARKS: Date Message Senate Passed with Amendments received by the House: 2021-03-10, Date concurred with the Senate amendments E-transmitted and received by the Senate on 2021-03-24: Physically transmitted and received by the Senate on 2021- 04-12









Section 54 of R.A. No. 10360 provides: "Effectivity. – This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days upon its publication in at least two (2) newspapers of general and local circulation."

Fifteen days from 27 May 2021, the date of publication is 11 June 2021. Sixty days from 11 June 2021, the date of effectivity is 10 August 2021.

After the effectiveness of R.A. No. 11550, the COMELEC suspended the conduct of all plebiscites as a matter of policy and in view of the preparations for the 9 May 2022 National and Local Elections. On 11 July 2022, the COMELEC extended the policy on suspension of the holding of plebiscites by resolving to defer action on the holding of all plebiscites until after the 5 December 2022 Barangay Elections.

On 6 November 2021, Davao Oriental Rep. Joel Mayo Almario filed House Bill No. 10425 seeking to postpone the December 2022 barangay and SK elections to May 2024.

During a meeting held on 31 January 2024, the COMELEC decided to hold the plebiscite for the division of Maguindanao simultaneously with the 6 May 2024 Barangay Elections to save on expenses. The COMELEC, in Minute Resolution No. 13-0926, approved the conduct of the Concept of Execution for the conduct of the plebiscite on 8 February 2024.

On 20 February 2024, Bartolome J. Sinocruz, Jr., the Deputy Executive Director for Operations of the COMELEC, issued a memorandum furnishing a copy of Minute Resolution No. 13-0926 to Atty. Remlane M. Tambuang, Regional Election Director of Region XI; Udtog Tago, Provincial Election Supervisor of Maguindanao; and to all election officers of Maguindanao. On 11 March 2024, the COMELEC promulgated Resolution Nos. 9771 and 9772.

Resolution No. 9772, on the other hand, provided that copies of R.A. No. 11550 be posted and that information campaigns be conducted prior to the plebiscite.


Comelec halts 5 plebiscites before polls

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has postponed all plebiscites that were scheduled to be conducted before the 2022 elections so as not to delay the preparations for the May 2022 national elections.

In Resolution No. 10716, the Comelec identified five pending plebiscites to be postponed:

  • The plebiscite to ratify the division of Maguindanao into two provinces;
  • The plebiscite to ratify the conversion of the municipality of Calaca in the province of Batangas into a component city;
  • The plebiscite to ratify the conversion of the City of San Jose Del Monte into a highly urbanized city;
  • The plebiscite to ratify the creation of Barangay New Canaan into a regular and distinct barangay in the municipality of Alabel, Sarangani; and
  • The plebiscite to ratify the merging of Barangay District 1 to Barangay District 28 and renaming of Barangay 29 in Ormoc City.

“The Commission En Banc...hereby resolves to suspend the conduct of all plebiscites and schedule the holding of said plebiscites within four months from the end of the election period for the May 9, 2022 national and local elections,” the resolution read.

“Considering the timeline laid above for the preparation for the 2022 NLE and the arduous preparations needed for its implementation, in order to concentrate all its resources in the preparation for the May 9, 2022 National and Local Elections, there is a need to set a cut-off date for the conduct of plebiscites,” it read.

The Comelec also cited that their calendar of activities is already filled – from the configuration of vote-counting machines, to the preparation of the final database for all elective positions, to the printing of ballots – for them to work on the conduct of plebiscites in 2021.

The Comelec likewise said there are other functions that require the exercise of both administrative and quasi-judicial powers of the Commission in relation to the conduct of the 2022 NLE.

They include the resolution of petitions for registration as a political party, petitions for registration for purposes of participating in the party-list system and resolutions of petitions for disqualification or petitions to deny or cancel Certificates of Candidacy.

They also said that plebiscites may consume more preparation time due to COVID-19 challenges, as experienced during the Palawan plebiscite in March.


Comelec defers plebiscites, shifts focus on May 2022 national, local polls

The conduct of a plebiscite that could determine the division of Maguindanao into two provinces, and four other plebiscites have been deferred by the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to enable the poll body focus on the forthcoming national and local elections in May.

In its Resolution 10716, the Comelec en banc cited “arduous preparations” needed for the holding of May 2022 elections amid the pandemic.

The poll body added that they also have put in place some quarantine protocols in and every plebiscite, thus, necessitating the rescheduling of the electoral exercises.

“The preparation for the plebiscite may take longer time in view of the Covid-19 pandemic as experienced in the last March 2021 Palawan plebiscite wherein the Commission took more than four months to complete the process,” the Comelec en banc said.

The new issuance will apply to the following plebiscites: to ratify the creation of Barangay New Canaan into a regular and distinct barangay in the municipality of Alabel, Sarangani Province; to ratify the merging or Barangay District 1 to Barangay District 28 and renaming of Barangay 29 in Ormoc City; and to ratify the conversion of the municipality of Calaca in the province of Batangas into a component city.

Also affected by the resolution are the plebiscites to ratify the conversion of the City of San Jose Del Monte into a highly Urbanized City and the division of Maguindanao Province into two provinces.

“…By virtue of the powers vested in it by the Constitution, the Omnibus Election Code, and other election laws, hereby resolve, as it hereby resolves to suspend the conduct of plebiscites,” the Comelec en banc said.

The said plebiscites will now be held “within four months from the end of the election period for the May 9, 2022 National and Local Elections.”

Resolution 10716 was approved by the Comelec en banc last Wednesday and will immediately take effect after it is published in two daily newspapers of general circulation.


Thursday, August 19, 2021

The World Tonight | ANC (19 August 2021)

THE 700 CLUB ASIA | God Cares | August 19, 2021

Extended lockdown in metro to depend on fund availability

By Kyle Aristophere T. Atienza, Reporter

METRO Manila would either remain under a strict lockdown or ease into a modified enhanced community quarantine starting this weekend, according to the presidential palace, as the government tries to contain a fresh surge in coronavirus infections spurred by a more contagious Delta variant. 

The decision to keep the enhanced quarantine after Aug. 20 would depend on whether there are funds to help poor Filipinos affected by the lockdown, presidential spokesman Herminio L. Roque, Jr. told an online news briefing on Thursday. 

“The question is will there be state aid?” he said in Filipino. 

The two-week strict lockdown in the capital region that started on Aug. 6 will expire after Friday, when President Rodrigo R. Duterte is expected to announce the lockdown levels nationwide, he said. 

“We seem to be on track because cases did not spike beyond the projections,” Mr. Roque said in mixed English and Filipino. “If we continue with our planned course of action, it will always be below 20,000,” he added, referring to the daily infection tally. 

“The figures are very encouraging as of today,” he added. 

The Department of Health (DoH) reported 14,895 coronavirus infections on Thursday, bringing the total to 1.8 million. 

The death toll rose to 30,881 after 258 more patients died, while recoveries increased by 8,248 to 1.65 million, it said in a bulletin.  

There were 111,720 active cases, 95.3% of which were mild, 18% did not show symptoms, 1.3% were severe, 0.87% were moderate and 0.7% were critical. 

The agency said 387 duplicates had been removed from the tally, 385 of which were recoveries. Two recoveries were reclassified as active cases, while 180 recoveries were tagged as deaths. Two laboratories failed to submit data on Aug. 17. 

The Philippines was set to take delivery on Thursday of about three million doses of the vaccine made by Sinovac Biotech Ltd. from China, Mr. Roque said. The government paid for the shipment. 

On Saturday, 582,500 doses of the vaccine made by AstraZeneca Plc are also expected to arrive, Mr. Roque said. About 739,200 doses of the vaccine made by Sinopharm Ltd. will arrive this week, he added. 

About 29.13 million vaccine doses have been given out as of Aug. 19, 16.25 million of which were first doses.  

Vivencio B. Dizon, deputy chief enforcer of the country’s pandemic plan, said the government aims to give out 15 million vaccine doses this month. 

About 3.2 million vaccine doses have been given out in Metro Manila this month, he said at the same briefing. He added that 41% of the adult population in Metro Manila had been fully vaccinated as of Aug. 18. 

The government targets to inoculate 50% of the region’s adult population by the end of the month, he said. 

Health authorities this week said the government would prioritize the housemates of seniors and seriously ill people for vaccination. 

Under the policy, one housemate would be allowed to get a coronavirus vaccine shot. 

The vaccination strategy was adopted as the country struggles to inoculate its entire adult population amid a fresh spike in coronavirus infections believed to be triggered by the highly contagious Delta variant. 

Experts have not yet recommended that children get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Vaccinating people as young as 19 could deprive eligible people higher in the government’s priority list, DoH said. 


Discover How God Works Through Pain

Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I obey your word. Psalm 119:67

When the pain from an old back injury begins to bother him, Charles Niethold turns on a radio transmitter about the size of a package of cigarettes, which sends a message to his brain. The slight signal of the radio beam causes the brain to kick out a dose of a hormone. It effectively blocks the pain and brings relief from a few hours to a period as long as several days.  “It’s like someone taking a load off your back. It is just a pleasant feeling of relief,” says the salesman, who has suffered from a back injury for years.

The procedure was developed by a Japanese physician, Dr. Yoshio Hosobuchi, a brain surgeon, who perfected the procedure of planting a tiny electrode in the brain, triggered by a small receiver.  Charles Niethold is convinced that it works because he was on crutches and could neither drive nor work until the surgery.  Following the implant, he walked with a cane and went back to work.  The electronic implant is one of a variety of scientific advancements which are now able to block the pain without suffering devastating side effects such as are encountered when drugs or narcotics are used to deaden pain.  “It’s been fantastic for me…it is like someone taking a load off your back,” says Niethold.

Whenever there is the promise of relief from pain, hearts are gladdened.  Relief from pain is the goal of all people who hurt.  But beyond the displeasure which pain brings, there is a deeper understanding of the issue which may not take the pain away but may help you to better cope with it

Dr. Paul Brand was unquestionably one of our day’s outstanding surgeons.  It was this brilliant doctor who discovered that lepers lose their limbs because they have lost the ability to sense pain.  Also, it was he who pioneered resourceful techniques to restore nerves through transplants.  Brand said, “Thank God for inventing pain.  It is the paragon of his creative genius.”

The late professor of Medieval English and the great apologist of the faith, C. S. Lewis, called pain “the megaphone of God” in his book The Problem of Pain, and I believe Lewis is right.  However, a megaphone can do one of two things‑‑it can attract or repel.  Suppose you are lost and wandering in the darkness and someone is trying to find you, but you cannot hear their voice or their pleas for you to respond.  Then they take a megaphone and call.  You strain and ask, “Is help on the way?” and finally you are certain that it is. You heard, ever so faintly, the voice of a rescuer calling your name.  Pain is often that megaphone letting us hear God’s voice; yet, at the same time, too loud a voice through a megaphone can cause you to flee and run.

Pain will never leave you where it finds you; it will either cause you to reach towards God’s help or else it will repel you and cause you to flee from Him.  When people face pain, almost always their thoughts begin to turn towards God or some religious or metaphysical understanding of pain.

As Charles Haddon Spurgeon commented, “When we cannot trace God’s hand, we can always trust God’s heart.”  That God through His grace can provide healing and relief from the problem of pain is evidence that He delights in providing for our human physical needs. Nevertheless, be very sure, as C. S. Lewis suggested, God can allow pain to serve as His megaphone, letting us hear His voice and assuring us of His care and concern.

Resource reading: Hebrews 12:1-3


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 19, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 19, 2021


WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 19, 2021

WATCH: Press briefing with Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque | Augus...

Sakto | Teleradyo (19 August 2021)

Happy birthday:
Riss Landicho Arevalo
L.A. Cayasan
Kagawad Kulong Hussam of Barangay Pineda, Pasig City
Councilor Jay Tapales of Antipolo City 1st District
Pastor Vener Benemerito of JIL General Mamerto Natividad, Nueva Ecija
Mhonee Cuevas Morada
Carlette Estadilla
Avel Bacudio
Marietalouisa Beltran
Janell Tonog Espino
Kevin Christopher Ty
Terence Khan
Lily Monteverde
Manuela Cataina Delos Santos and Francisco de Vera from Tessie Lagman-Balboa
Acee Garalde from Jose Joy Pasco
Christy Mijares
Lucita Suarez sister of Ellen Suarez Corpuz
Clark Andre Cadelina
Rex Mina from Kristine Abaloyan Mina
Nitz Clores from Sacre Olshs
Kagawad Manuel Col-long of Barangay West Rembo, Makati City
Renee Paraan-Antenor
Gary Dumalag
Manny Segundo
Rommel Natividad of Virginia, U.S.A.
Jayson Canoy
Barnaby Lo
Councilor Angelito Lazaro of Calamba City, Laguna
Samuel Gadiane
Marie Pedro
Alex Alipala
Aria Georgina Chua-Ang
Maria Alicia Bautista
Councilor Ted Tirol and Assessor Cesar Martinez, Jr. of Looc, Romblon
Councilor Manuel Rosales of San Francisco, Quezon
King Lemuel Lumanog
Leizel Bonaobra Angsuco
Auntie Venus Garcia
Daphnie Pearly Sampang
Kryben Paredes
Kagawad Loida Malabanan of Barangay Ambulong, Tanauan City, Batangas
Kian Javonitalla
Lara Gragasin
Rey Castro of The Generics Pharmacy, Sangandaan, Caloocan City
Bernadette Tiongson Repato
Eliz Lleva
Bong Joshua Fajardo from Bongbong Fajardo
Kagawad Jerry Dichoso of Barangay V, Calamba City, Laguna
Kagawad Manuel Cecilio of Barangay Mayapa, Calamba City, Laguna
Kagawad Renver Adisaz of Barangay Sucol, Calamba City, Laguna
Ma'am Lyca Faderon
Nichol Taneza
Mare Susan Angyoda
Janet Olivarez
Erlinda de Guzman
Genesa Asperilla
Jayvee Endaya
Papa Rainer Abroiz
happy 11th birthday Trudis Buerano daughter of Michelle Buerano
happy wedding anniversary Irene & Joseph Ariel
get well soon Baby Angel from Glenda Megio

KAILANGAN KO NG PASTOL | Kape't Pandasal kasama si Fr Kali Llamado

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The World Tonight | ANC (18 August 2021)

THE 700 CLUB ASIA | God's Way God's Plan | August 18, 2021

Why Should I Trust God In My Suffering?

Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you.” Hebrews 13:5, The Message.

“No affliction would trouble a child of God,” wrote G. Campbell Morgan, “if he knew God’s reason for sending it.”  But, of course, that is the difficult part‑‑why does God allow some things to happen?  “Take it by faith!” people say, but to take by faith the rest of your life in a wheelchair is no easy matter, especially if you are a young man or woman with the rest of your life before you.  In July 1967, a young woman, who was then 17 years of age, dived into the water not realizing how shallow it was.

Joni Eareckson Tada has come to be known and loved by thousands of people around the world since that day when she sustained a broken neck, an accident that left her confined to a wheelchair as a quadriplegic for the rest of her life.  At the time, Joni was an energetic, athletic teenager with a real zest for living.  That she might spend her life fighting physical disabilities never occurred to her until that fateful day that changed the course of her life.

Instead of producing a bitter, angry person full of resentment and hatred towards God, who allowed the ordeal, Joni has matured and grown into a beautiful woman who has depth that would never have been possible had she not faced the confinement to a wheelchair.  Says Joni, “Today as I look back, I am convinced that the whole ordeal of my paralysis was inspired by God’s love.    I was not the brunt of some cruel divine joke.  God has reasons behind my suffering, and learning some of them has made all the difference in the world.”

This woman discovered that being a Christian did not immunize her from facing the problem of suffering.  Neither did it ensure that she would never face agonizing bouts with depression, discouragement and, at times, even defeat.  But it did give her a hope and a confidence that God is still God and His ways are beyond questioning.

The German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche said, “A man who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”  Yet when it came to putting his philosophy to work for himself, Nietzsche was a gross failure.  As an atheist, he left God totally out of his framework of understanding, and without God there is no way suffering can fit into the fabric of life.  And without hope and trust in God’s wise providence, Frederick Nietzsche so deteriorated mentally that he spent the last years of his life in an insane asylum.  Why does God allow suffering?  To punish us, or to allow us to sense His power and presence?  To purge the dross from our lives leaving the pure silver, or to persecute us because of our mistakes and failures?

Centuries ago, David wrote, “Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now have I kept Thy word…it is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes” (Psalm 119:67, KJV).  There are times when God allows us to sense something of His purpose in letting His children suffer, and, of course, that brings great satisfaction to the heart, but there are other times when the problem of pain must be resolved alone through faith in the wise providence of God.

A closing thought.  You can trust God to be God.  You can hope in His promises as David wrote.  You can rest in the positive assurance that when we see Christ we shall know and understand as He does, and the weary questions will find answers.  Right now, you may be confronted with a situation such as I have described. Trust Him, for Jesus said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Resource reading: Psalm 46:1-11.


New UP venues ready for UAAP 84

New venues within the University of the Philippines-Diliman in Quezon City will be ready to hold events next year.

Their completion will address the need of organizers for sports infrastructure that can hold activities of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines.

UP College of Human Kinetics Dean Francis Diaz said they are getting sports facilities available once they push through with Season 84 in the first half of 2022.

“We are developing potential new venues for the UAAP. And we are about to finish three major facilities here in UP,” said Diaz during their regular Facebook updates on UAAP Talks.

The facilities include a baseball/softball field, a swimming pool, a football pitch and a  track oval.

Diaz said the layout of the baseball/softball field is similar to the turf at the Rizal Memorial Baseball Field inside the Rizal Memorial Sports Complex in Manila.

The football pitch is ready, but the track oval around it needs to be finished.

An aquatics center is also currently being built in compliance with international federation (FINA) requirements.

Diaz said the program to improve sports facilities inside the UP-Diliman campus was done through the initiative of University president Danilo Concepcion.

For now, organizers plan to hold a full and limited number events if Season 84 pushes through in 2022.

Executive director Atty. Rene “Rebo” Saguisag said they are considering this, with the logistical problems and the shortage of venues that that league is currently facing.

The league, according to Saguisag is prioritizing the staging of men’s basketball, women’s volleyball, cheerdancing events, and the opening ceremonies if and when they reopen.

The competitions and the opening rites will be held under a bubble, in compliance with COVID-19 restrictions.


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 18, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 18, 2021

Why Robi Domingo never pursued an acting career

Robi Domingo has been in show business since 2008, but he does not think he has what it takes to become an actor.

This is the reason he never pursued an acting career, he told G3 San Diego in an interview. 

“I think it’s not just for me. I am very energetic. You cannot put me in one place. And also number one, the working hours. I cannot be in one tent trying to memorize one’s script, trying to analyze my character. I cannot put on one mask lang,” he said.

This is certainly not the case when he’s hosting, Domingo noted.

“As a host, I become myself, I become a writer, a director, a talent coordinator and just play around. Pero sa acting, hirap na hirap ako sa hugot,” he said.

Speaking of careers, Domingo also admitted in the same interview that he had regrets that he did not pursue a medical career.

“When my friends were taking their Hippocratic Oath and nakukuha na nila 'yung mga license nila, sumama 'yung pakiramdam ko. Existentialism question na naman. Parang iniisip ko, tama ba 'yung ginawa ko? May purpose ba 'yung ginawa ko? My mom is a doctor, my dad is a doctor. My lolo is a doctor, my cousins are doctors. Who’s gonna continue the legacy?” he said.

But at the end of the day, Domingo said he’s proud to still be “in the service of the Filipino” even if he’s not wearing a white coat.

Nonetheless, he is extremely proud of everyone he knows in the medical field who are giving their all during this difficult time.

“My friends are not happy with the system anymore. They are super tired. Some of my medical college batchmates are super exhausted. They feel bad with all the policies. Parang it’s never ending. They signed up to serve pero right now, they are heroes talaga. I really salute them. In another world, siguro I would have given myself in the medical field,” he said.



WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 18, 2021

Sakto | Teleradyo (18 August 2021)

Happy birthday:
Lida Abelon
Aren Juan
Pastora Lolita Pula of JIL Orani, Bataan
Pastor Emmanuel Frontuna of JIL Bagong Silang, Caloocan City
Kagawad Gina Miguel of Barangay Caniogan, Pasig City
Kagawad Renald Castillo of Barangay Kalawaan, Pasig City
Captain Natividad Aquilino of Barangay Bayan Luma 4, Imus, Cavite
Mayor Joel Amos Alejandro of Alicia, Isabela
Administrator Ret. Col. Darwin Sacramed of Cagayan
Councilor Jonas Labuguen of General Trias, Cavite
SK Chairman ANTONIO TRAZONA of Barangay Sala, Tanauan, Batangas
Kagawad LAURO ARCEBUCHE of Barangay San Jose, Tanauan, Batangas
Kagawad ELMER OLIVA of Barangay Altura South, Tanauan, Batangas
Councilor Ramoncito Barro of Barangay San Bartolome, Santa Ana, Pampanga
Ate Criselda Ambasa
Tita Aileen Gascon
Mamay Claro Avenido Pestelos
Tita Elieen Lunar
Eloisa Joyce Abat
Carl Diether Lobarbio
Pastor Timothy Saulog
Hazel Padilla

SMALL | Kape't Pandasal kasama si Fr Nono Alfonso, SJ

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The World Tonight | ANC (17 August 2021)

THE 700 CLUB ASIA | Better Days are Coming | August 17, 2021

Can You Trust Your Conscience?

 Having faith and a good conscience, which some having rejected, concerning the faith have suffered shipwreck.  1Timothy 1:19, NKJV

How do you think a restaurant would do where people were expected to pay for what they took, and pay as much or as little as they thought it was worth?  That is exactly what the owners of one restaurant decided to do.  Gene and Grace Valian were owners of the Great American Breakfast and Barbecue House. They decided to try a pay-what-you-want experiment.  But it ended in failure.  Some people have “just no consciences at all,” they said, explaining that most people paid “just a shade under what they would have normally paid.”

Have you ever wondered why one person can do something with apparently no feelings of a troubled conscience—say, the youth who ate large portions of food and left almost nothing—and there’s the little lady who took almost nothing but left far more than it would have cost?  Why can one person do something with a clear conscience and another person struggle vastly with the same issue?

The My Lai incident in Vietnam well illustrates the polarity of conscience that condemns what another’s conscience allows.  The sad and grim account of the slaughter of innocent women and children came to light because a soldier’s conscience convicted him.  He knew what had taken place and his troubled conscience finally forced him to break silence and tell what happened, yet when the guilty party was brought to trial, he explained that he did this because his conscience was troubled over the death of a buddy and friend.

So, does conscience cause one person to do what another’s conscience condemns?  Strange as it seems, the answer is yes.  Until the turn of this century, mothers in India would take their first-born infant to the Ganges and throw the innocent newborn baby into the waters, which were thought to be sacred, as a sacrifice to a pagan God.  The very thought of this is abhorrent to most women in the world, especially those whose empty arms would desperately like to hold and cherish an infant.

If you can get away with it, does that make it OK?  A lot of people think so, and they are not the ones living in a jungle, a generation removed from the stone age culture which is much different from the one in which you were raised.

The fact is that your conscience—apart from an innate sense of right and wrong which comes from your culture—is only as good as the knowledge of right and wrong that you have.  What we describe as conscience is more accurately defined as “guilt feelings.”   Can a person actually be guilty of something and have no feelings of a troubled conscience?  Definitely!  But when you know that what you have done is wrong before God then your conscience becomes activated.

I remember the time that I was stopped by a policeman, and having just pulled out of a gas station, I knew that I couldn’t have done much that would get me into trouble.  Thoughts of a burned-out taillight, or out-of-date registration loomed as a possibility, but I knew that wasn’t a big deal.

“Do you know what you did wrong?”  he asked.  “I don’t think I have done anything wrong,” I replied with a clear conscience.  “Well,” he began, “you crossed over double-double yellow lines, and that’s against the law.”  Ah, so it was.  But I didn’t know it.  I was guilty in the sight of the law as soon as I did it, but my conscience didn’t bother me until I knew and understood that what I had done was wrong.

That’s why an understanding of how God wants you to live is the only thing in the world that will give your conscience the data it needs to be trustworthy and accurate.  The bottom line is not what you think, or your culture will allow, but how God view your life?  Remember that He has the final word in saying what is right and wrong.

Resource reading: John 8:2-11.


WATCH: PCSO 9 PM Lotto Draw, August 17, 2021

WATCH: PCSO 5 PM Lotto Draw, August 17, 2021


WATCH: PCSO 2 PM Lotto Draw, August 17, 2021

WATCH: Press briefing with Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque | Augus...

Sakto | TeleRadyo (17 August 2021)

Happy birthday:
Fernando Mazo
Fhel Mendenueta
Jason Balaoing of Pasig City
Anelle Cruz Plana
Richard Jan Agtarap
Antonio Gonzalez
Jenilyn Faderon
Mave Erana
Jinggay Biay
Diego Lorenzo Jose
Rey Cua
Kevin Dagum
Roldan Frias Castro
Ralph Dela Cruz
Pen Roque
Mark Dueñas
Harvey Bautista
Nanay Lydia Oco
Wilfredo Abunda, Sr.
Kagawad Jusubie Concepcion of Barangay Bagumbayan, Taguig
Nanay Tess Anastacio
Kath Ilacad
Carmina Villaroel
Rowena Abanag of California, U.S.A.
Mayor Benjamin Bagul of Balindong, Lanao del Sur
Councilor Irene Belmonte of Quezon City 4th District
get well soon Baby Maggie Ramirez from @Phillip Ramirez

Magandang ARAw | March 8, 2025