Wednesday, June 30, 2021
July 1 - STAR’s Tanya Lara, Jose Antonio Gonzalez, Bobby Novenario, Pitang Tiongson, Vivian Yano, Jeff Arevalo and Dennis Valdes
July 2 - Aida Cobankiat, China Bank vice chair Gilbert Dee, Buddy Recio, and Celuch Manahan
July 3 - Consul Louie Ablaza, Vicky Veloso-Barrera, Viring Ongkeko, Tommy Manotoc and Edgardo Tordesillas
July 4 - The Bellevue Hotels and Resorts (BH&R) managing director Patrick Chan, former vice president Teofisto Guingona, Jr., Peter Go Pailan and Johnny Velasquez
July 5 - Anton Antenorcruz, Mura, Eagle Riggs, Arron Villaflor, Chef Cyril Ermita and Kesong P's Ian Palabyab
July 6 – former vice president Noli de Castro, former Supreme Court Associate Justice Bienvenido Reyes, Toni Parsons, Boy Perlas
July 7 - Dingdong Avanzado, Ruel Bayani, Akihiro Blanco, PJ Endrinal, Luis Hontiveros, Menchu Lauchengco-Yulo, John Lapus, Freya Montierro, Venus Raj, Antonio Roxas-Chua, Jr., Marex Gaba, Lester Tiu and Ramon Atayde
July 8 - Rafael “Paing” Hechanova, Minerva Mondejar Steiner, Mylene Ong Flores, Ces Drilon, Earl Andrew Figueroa, Willie Nepomuceno and Alfonso Reyno, Jr.
July 9 - Kat Alano, Donnalyn Bartolome, Seth Fedelin, Kate Lapuz, Mitchel Musso, Uno Popoy, Herminia Roman, Jake Vargas, Anna Vicente, Edward Go and Cheryl de Leon
July 10 - Sarah Jane Abad, Prince de Angelo, Ritch de Leon, Wilma Dassent, Doug Kramer, Billy Lontayao, Vicky Morales, and Marco Sison, Minerva Tanseco, Lin-Ay Rufino and actress Tessie Tomas
July 11 – Sylvia Reynoso-Gala, Bro. Bo Sanchez, Linda Yu, Carolyn Lee Tan, Cris Albert and Pinky Tobiano Robles
July 12 - Marco Alcaraz, Former Makati City Mayor Junjun Binay, Santino Espinoza, Jamie Harrell, Xian Lim, Krystal Mejes, Joy Mendiola and Lilygem Yulores, Ria Rebano and Trina Yujuico
July 13 - Florencio Abad, Maria Claire Adorna, Lia Cruz, Gary David, Eduardo Ermita, Freddie Garcia, Jonathan Malaya, Willie Miller, Marlo Peralta, Jake Roxas and Mary Joy Tabal
July 14 - Mariole Alberto, Jed Madela, Barbara Miguel, PLDT, Smart Communications, Inc., TV5 and Metro Pacific Investments Corporation chairman Manny Pangilinan, Rico Robles, Jasmin Romero and Karlo Ezekiel Torres
July 15 - Sen. Sonny Angara, Julius Babao, Edward Barber, K Brosas, Viveika Ravanes, Chris Tiu, Jong Uichico, Ford Valencia, Menchu de las Alas Concepcion, Rina Lopez Bautista, David Ambrus, Robina Gokongwei-Pe and my twins, John and Michael
How to Confront Hard Issues With Grace
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins. James 4:17
Jesus said, “Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for that is how their fathers treated the false prophets” (Luke 6:26). I don’t know whether Jesus had old Jeremiah in mind, but there is one thing for sure: In his day Jeremiah never had to worry about people saying many nice things about him. He was despised, persecuted, and forsaken by friends.
On occasion Jeremiah would stand in a public place and weep openly for his nation. None could say he did not have heart, but few wanted to really listen to what he was saying.
Are things much different today? Have you gone to the school board lately to complain about what your son or daughter is being taught which violates what you believe is wholesome or right? Have you gone to the town council, or to the seat of your public government to question their allowing sex-related businesses to coexist with schools and churches in the same neighborhood? Condom distribution at school, but no Bible Club?
You quickly discover that not everyone is on the side of children, what was once considered community decency, and God. And that’s when you are confronted with the issue of dealing with wrong or hibernating and running the other way–fight or flight; but before you really do either, consider the following guidelines when you are confronted with a situation you feel is wrong:
Guideline #1: Pray about the issue before you do anything. This often helps you deal with anger and outrage and helps you channel those feelings productively.
Guideline #2: Talk to others in your community or peer group. It is amazing at times how many people are seriously annoyed by something but feel as though they must be the only ones bothered by it. Your raising the issue may be the catalyst which God can use to accomplish great good. Evil has a way of insidiously creeping into society like dandelions in a spring lawn unless someone does something about it.
Guideline #3: Do some research. Find out what the law is, or who is in authority in charge of a given situation. If it is the school, you need to know whether the policy is that of a teacher, the head of the school, the school board or whom.
Guideline #4: Raise the issue without raising your voice if you possibly can. If that doesn’t work, then you may need to escalate the protest. Talk to a teacher, then if you get nowhere, talk to the principal. If you can’t get any satisfaction, talk to the school board. I am amazed how individuals respond to public pressure as well. When one parent objects to something, someone may or may not pay much attention to the issue. But when 30 parents all object to the same issue, it gets attention and plenty fast.
Guideline #5: Don’t give up when you know you are right. When a businessman who is a Gideon asked to distribute free Bibles to grade school children, the school principal replied, “Over my dead body!” Two years later, the same man had a heart attack and died. The same business man went back and asked the new school administrator the same question, and this time he was told, “Certainly, we’d be glad to have you do that.”
Edmund Burke, the British patriot, once said, “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Never, never sell short your influence! Make your voice heard. Your voice may make the difference.
Resource reading: James 4:1-17.
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
What Is God Calling You To Take A Stand For?
The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved. Jeremiah 8:20
Before his death in 1984, Francis Schaeffer developed what some have called a “theology of disagreement.” Schaeffer never abandoned his position that the true mark of a Christian is the ability to love unconditionally, yet he was also convinced that one cannot really love without hating the opposite of what one loves.
Schaeffer was not the first to articulate a “theology of disagreement.” He was largely indebted to a man who lived some 2700 years before Schaeffer and who made a “theology of disagreement” a science. His name was Jeremiah, and when you really get to know this man, you discover that he was not a cantankerous sort of fellow whose teeth were on edge, always wanting to pick a fight to get his name in the headlines.
He was a sensitive, caring individual intent on doing the will of God no matter what it cost him, and it cost him plenty. Why was Jeremiah almost always on the unpopular side of issues? Because that’s where God was, and no matter what the cost, Jeremiah came down on God’s side. He said, “His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones.” He said, “I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jeremiah 20:9). He didn’t hold it in, either. He spoke fluently, boldly and without consideration of who would be displeased at what he said.
Jeremiah was called by God to be a spokesman, calling God’s people back to Himself. And when they refused to budge, Jeremiah told them the price they had to pay. He became a hated, despised individual, persecuted and belittled. He was thrown into prison, put in stocks, even thrown in a slime pit or a tar pit and left to die; but a foreigner, an Ethiopian, rescued him from the clutches of death (see Jeremiah 38).
Was his the only voice that was denouncing the corruption of his day? Not at all! Contemporary with Jeremiah were voices such as Ezekiel and Daniel, both young men. Ezekiel, a fellow priest, was preaching in Babylon. Daniel was in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar. Habakkuk and Zephaniah were working alongside Jeremiah in Jerusalem. Nahum was announcing the fall of Nineveh, and Obadiah was predicting the ruin of neighboring Edom.
What does this have to do with your life today? Are there qualities in the life of this man that we ought to emulate? Have we become so intimidated by what is happening around us that we fear the consequences of speaking out against the vile corruption of our day? Have we become so fearful of the hostility of those who accuse us of being intolerant that we hide for fear of drawing their wrath?
There is one thing which you must never forget. The God who told Jeremiah not to fear because He was with Him makes that same promise to His child who has the courage to denounce wrong when truth is on the scaffolds.
Is there an issue of personal holiness in your life that God is calling you take a stand for? Are there issues in your community you know you must speak out on? Read the book which bears his name, found in your Bible. The strength of Jeremiah can be yours today! The darker grows our culture, the greater the need for a Jeremiah to stand up and be counted to say, “This is right, and this is wrong.”
Resource reading: Jeremiah 38:1-13.
Monday, June 28, 2021
How To Find The Courage To Stand Up For Your Faith
The word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” “Ah, Sovereign LORD,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.” But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, I am only a child. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 1:4-8
He hated the limelight but was constantly in the news. He loved the simple life, yet his was often conflicted and confusing. He preferred the country but had to live in the city. He felt inadequate as a public spokesman, yet he spent his life confronting world leaders. His name: Jeremiah. If you check that name in a dictionary, you will discover that based on the life of a seventh century B.C. prophet in Judah, a Jeremiah is “one who is pessimistic about the present and foresees a calamitous future.”
Who was this man Jeremiah and why was he such a pessimist? Good question. He was born in the village of Anathoth, now called Anata, in modern Israel, about 4 kilometers southeast of the city of Jerusalem. He grew up in a strongly religious family. His father was a priest—perhaps the Hilkiah who brought the book of the law to King Josiah and started a revival.
But Jeremiah didn’t inherit fame. His came with blood and fire. At about age 21, Jeremiah had an encounter with God which changed his life, one which he didn’t ask for, and one which at one time caused such grief that he cursed the day he was born. When God called him, Jeremiah gave three reasons why he considered himself an unlikely candidate: 1. He argued his youth; 2. He explained that he was not eloquent (something which God already happened to know) and 3. He told God that he had no experience to qualify him for the job. God, of course, immediately saw his mistake in wanting to use Jeremiah and apologized for interrupting his life—right? Not at all!
Here’s the account which he himself wrote: “The word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.’ ‘Ah, Sovereign LORD,’ I said, ‘I do not know how to speak; I am only a child.’ But the LORD said to me, ‘Do not say, I am only a child. You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declares the LORD. Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, ‘Now, I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant'” (Jeremiah 1:4-10).
It’s hard to argue with God, especially when His hand touches your life as happened to Jeremiah. His was never an easy life. Forbidden to marry, his was a lonely existence. Those who should have been his closest friends—priests and civic leaders—were his most bitter enemies. So angered was King Jehoiakim at what Jeremiah had written, that he took his penknife and cut up the scroll piece by piece and fed it to the fire.
Jeremiah’s message was considered “unpatriotic” and he was considered a
traitor who urged the leaders to surrender to the enemy rather than to be destroyed. He stood in the temple and told the people that it would be destroyed and desolate. No wonder the people cried out that he should die (Jeremiah 26:11). God promised to be with Jeremiah, and he was, in spite of the constant battle which he waged. When Jerusalem was overthrown by Nebuchadnezzar and his army in 596 B.C., Jeremiah escaped to Egypt, according to tradition. May God give us more men and women today such as Jeremiah, men who will stand and be counted regardless of the cost! Yes indeed, give us more Jeremiahs.
Resource reading: Jeremiah 1:1-10
FOLLOWING the death of former President Benigno S. Aquino III last June 24, certain segments of social media were filled with anything and everything you can read about PNoy, his mom, his dad, and the legacy he and his family have carved out in Philippine history books.
There were comments reminiscent of what has been said about the Kennedys – few families have sacrificed as much for our democracy; there were glimpses of what PNoy was like as a friend and/or a boss; and there were countless evaluations of his six years in office, sometimes with intentional contrasts to the nearly six years of the incumbent.
Of course, if your algorithms allowed you a broader selection of entries into your feed then you’d have read the equally virulent detractors, or heard even how a member of the Bar and an officer of the court so casually implied that the former President suffered from an affliction which, for all we know, that same lawyer is sick of himself.
To his credit, Thinking Pinoy had a self-imposed ceasefire for a day, which to me was good enough coming from a critic. Of course, the next day he has a post about the 44 SAF who died while in pursuit of the finger of a most wanted terrorist.
As it was in 1983 and then again in 2009, the death of an Aquino opened the floodgates to strong emotions.
As it was with those two previous occasions so it is with this one – the question arises: who will inherit the unenviable responsibility of carrying on the fight? In 1983 and in 2009 the Aquinos and their allies were confronted with reluctant “heirs.” In the first instance, it was the widow, who however had always been on the sidelines when it came to the politics of her husband. And so it took some time – almost three years – before she finally embraced the Fate that had been thrust upon her and led the fight to overturn the existing order.
Twenty-three years later, it was the son and namesake’s turn to reluctantly embrace the same role.
PNoy died just as we are all gearing up for another presidential campaign and the timing of his death and the resultant flooding of emotions – old ones rekindled and new ones stoked – could not make me ask myself that one single question that is surely on the minds of many, many others:
Who will it be this time?
Personal: Happy healthy birthday Pastor Victorino Tobias of JIL Libertad, Pasay; Pastor Nelson Pacio of JIL Naguilian, La Union; Kagawad Jimmy Borja and Kapitan Jess Gaviola of Barangay Kalawaan, Pasig City; Lucy Venagas; Jhay Exiomo; Irene Celebre; Nindy Ponce Enrile; Jacob Pascua; belated happy birthday Warlie Sacatani Aguilar of Talavera, Nueva Ecija (June 18); Bro. Marlon Saet of El Shaddai Gospel Music Ministry; Lola Eliza Habana; Daphine Devera; Vilmo Silvederio; Atty. Claire Castro; Jayson Magdadaro
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Saturday, June 26, 2021
LOOK: James Yap attends former brother-in-law Noynoy Aquino’s funeral
Professional basketball player James Yap paid his final respects to his former brother-in-law, the late President Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III, as he quietly attended the funeral mass and inurnment on Saturday.
Despite being estranged from former wife Kris Aquino, Yap still went to Manila Memorial Park in Parañaque where the former president was laid to rest beside his parents Benigno Jr. and Corazon.
Yap earlier extended his condolences over the death of Noynoy Aquino.
"Rest in peace President Noynoy Aquino. Thank you for being nice to me," the 2-time PBA MVP who plays for Rain Or Shine said in a short Instagram post. "You will be missed."
Yap and Kris Aquino were married from 2005 to 2010. They have a son, Bimby Yap.
The former couple campaigned for Aquino when he ran for president in the 2010 elections.
Aquino passed away on Thursday, just 5 years after he stepped down from office, due to renal disease secondary to diabetes.
Serving as President from 2010 to 2016, he was largely out of the public eye since the end of his term.
Motorsports: Vinales sets pace in Dutch MotoGP third practice
Maverick Vinales, riding a Yamaha, set the quickest time in Saturday's third practice ahead of qualifying for the Dutch MotoGP.
The Spaniard had been fastest in both of Friday's sessions and went on to clock a leading 1min 32.336sec in the third run-out in dry conditions.
Vinales is clearly enjoying his return to the track nicknamed the "Temple of Speed". He won the last MotoGP there in 2019 and has won there twice in the lower formulas.
Johann Zarco (11th), Francesco Bagnaia (12th) and six-time world champion Marc Marquez (15th), who had a heart-stopping crash on Friday, were among the top names who missed out on direct access to the final part of qualifying. They will now have to book a slot through qualifying 1 to lift themselves to Q2 later Saturday.
Italian Valentino Rossi, the former seven-time world champion who has won 10 times at the Assen track, came in ninth.
Leading combined free practice standings
1. Maverick Vinales (ESP/Yamaha) 1:32.336
2. Fabio Quartararo (FRA/Yamaha) at 0.197sec
3. Pol Espargaro (ESP/Honda) 0.305
4. Aleix Espargaro (ESP/Aprilia) 0.411
5. Joan Mir (ESP/Suzuki) 0.412
6. Alex Rins (ESP/Suzuki) 0.509
7. Takaaki Nakagami (JPN/Honda-LCR) 0.517
8. Miguel Oliveira (POR/KTM) 0.535
9. Valentino Rossi (ITA/Yamaha-SRT) 0.558
10. Jack Miller (AUS/Ducati) 0.571
Back in series, Clippers try to draw level with Suns
After roaring back to life in the Western Conference finals without superstar Kawhi Leonard, the Los Angeles Clippers can level the series at home in Game 4 on Saturday night against the Phoenix Suns.
Leonard missed his third straight game of the current series Thursday and fifth consecutive in the playoffs due to a sprained knee, with Los Angeles going 3-2 in that stretch and extending a season that appeared doomed without him. Leonard was ruled out Friday for Game 4.
The Clippers won Game 3 at home 106-92 and while they still trail 2-1 in the series, they move forward knowing they held the Suns to 38.9-percent shooting while holding Phoenix star Devin Booker to 15 points. The Clippers dominated the second half on the way to victory.
Adding to their optimism is that while they don't have a key piece to their puzzle in Leonard, they stopped the Suns even on a night when Phoenix star Chris Paul returned from COVID-19 protocol. Paul had 15 points with 12 assists but combined with Booker to shoot 10 of 40 from the field.
Also key: The Clippers didn't let their heartbreaking defeat at Phoenix in Game 2 -- when the Suns' Deandre Ayton scored on an alley-oop in the final second -- permeate into Game 3.
"You know, we were on the plane; we talked about it," Clippers star Paul George said. "We hashed it out. And immediately we got ready for Game 3. Simple as that. We had to move on. I thought we did a great job of moving on. I moved on. I know I have to be better. I have to be better."
George had 26 points in Game 2 but missed two late free throws that could have given L.A. a three-point advantage with 8.0 seconds remaining preceding Ayton's game-winning basket.
In Game 3, George responded by leading the Clippers with 27 points, 15 rebounds and eight assists.
Reggie Jackson continued to deliver for the Clippers with 23 points in Game 3. He averaged 10.7 points per game in the regular season but has scored 17.6 in the playoffs -- averaging 23.0 in the five games Leonard has been out.
The Clippers have fallen behind 0-2 in all three series this postseason. They won Game 3 every time and have won Game 4 in each of the first two series.
"This team is resilient," Jackson said. "We always believed. We never give in. We never say die."
Just like George vowed to be better in Game 3, Paul is saying the same for the Suns in Game 4.
"They just outplayed us, you know what I mean?" Paul said. "We didn't make shots. You could tell they had a lot more energy. I got to be better. I shot terrible. I've got to pick up the pace. We'll be ready for Game 4."
In addition to Paul working his way back into the flow, Booker was adjusting to playing with a plastic face guard after sustaining a broken nose following a collision with Clippers guard Patrick Beverley in Game 2.
Booker was 5 of 21 from the field and 1 of 7 from 3-point range. He had five assists with five rebounds after posting a triple-double in Game 1.
"It's fine, honestly," Booker said of the mask. "I honestly don't really see it or it doesn't affect me."
More bothersome to the Suns seemed to be playing without guard Cameron Payne, who was effective in the first two games of the series as Paul's replacement but played just four minutes of Game 3 because of a left ankle injury.
"Obviously, he's been a spark for us," Booker said. "He's made a lot happen for us when he's been out there. I just hope he's in good health."
Clippers forward Marcus Morris (left knee) will be a game-time decision, coach Ty Lue said.
Duterte signs 13 bills to expand hospitals
by Macon Ramos-Araneta and Maricel V. Cruz
President Rodrigo Duterte on Thursday signed 13 measures to boost the capacity of various hospitals to provide quality care and services especially amid an ongoing global health crisis.
Sen. Christopher “Bong” Go, chairperson of the Senate committee on health, sponsored the bills in the Senate the previous month. He committed to fight for the interest and welfare of the people, especially the poor.
House Majority Leader and Leyte 1st District Rep. Martin G. Romualdez and Tingog party-list Rep. Yedda Marie K. Romualdez on Friday thanked the President for signing into law two measures that would improve the capacity of two hospitals in their province.
“We extend our sincerest gratitude to President Duterte for signing these vital bills into law. We also thank our colleagues from the House of Representatives and the Senate for working on these measures that would surely uplift the health care capacity in our province,” the Romualdez couple, who principally authored House Bills 6971 and 6972, said.
“The passage of these measures exemplifies our never-ending commitment to our constituents, who truly deserve quality health care and facilities,” the Romualdezes said.
In a speech delivered during the signing ceremony, Duterte congratulated both Houses of Congress for the passage of the measures.
He assured the medical community that his administration would continue to work with legislators and other stakeholders to address their concerns and equip them with their needs to fulfill their duty.
“Thirteen of these laws are health-related and are very crucial in strengthening the capacity of our health care system as we continue to overcome the current pandemic,” said Duterte.
“Indeed, the establishment of new hospitals would make quality medical services more accessible to our people, especially those in far-flung areas. Increasing the bed capacities of our existing public hospitals will likewise augment our inventory of hospital beds that we badly need as we deal with the pandemic,” the President continued.
Go said the newly-signed laws include measures that will establish new medical facilities, increase the bed capacities, and upgrade the capabilities of select hospitals in various provinces throughout the country. They are:
1. Republic Act (RA) No. 11559, or An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Naguilian District Hospital in the Municipality of Naguilan, Province of La Union.
2. R.A. No. 11562 or An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Rosario District Hospital in the Municipality of Rosario, Province of La Union.
3. R.A. No. 1156 or An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Sinait District Hospital in Sinait, Ilocos Sur.
4. R.A. No. 11564 or An Act Establishing a General Hospital in the City of Bacolod, Province of Negros Occidental to be known as the Bacolod City General Hospital.
5. R.A. No. 11563 or An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the Mayor Hilarion A. Ramiro Sr. Medical Center in the Province of Misamis Occidental.
6. R.A. No. 11565 or An Act Converting the Medina Extension Hospital in the Municipality of Medina, Province of Misamis Oriental into a General Hospital to be known as the First Misamis Oriental General Hospital.
7. R.A. No. 11566 or An Act Converting the Schistosomiasis Control and Research Hospital in Palo, Leyte into a General Hospital to be known as the Governor Benjamin T. Romualdez General Hospital and Schistosomiasis Center.
8. R.A. No. 11567 or An Act Renaming the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center in the City of Tacloban, Province of Leyte into the Eastern Visayas Medical Center.
9. R.A. No. 11568 or An Act Establishing a General Hospital in Barangay Lacaron, in the Municipality of Malita, Province of Davao Occidental to be known as the Davao Occidental General Hospital.
10. R.A. No. 11558 or An Act Establishing a General Hospital in the Municipality of Rosales, Province of Pangasinan to be known as the Conrado F. Estrella Regional Medical and Trauma Center.
11. R.A. No. 11561 or An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the East Avenue Medical Center in Brgy. Diliman, Quezon City.
12. R.A. No. 11557 or An Act Establishing a 300-bed Capacity Tertiary Training and General Hospital in Barangay Mauway, City of Mandaluyong to be known as the Senate President Neptali A. Gonzales General Hospital; and
13. R.A. No. 11556 or An Act Increasing the Bed Capacity of the lying-in clinic in the Municipality of Rizal, Province of Palawan.
During the ceremony, the President also signed other measures that Go supported, namely bills that seek to convert the Basilan State College into the Basilan State University, reapportion Bataan province into three legislative districts, and renew the franchise of the Baycomms Broadcasting Corporation, which Go also co-sponsored.
RA 11566 converts the Schistosomiasis Control and Research Hospital in Palo, Leyte into a general Hospital to be known as the Governor Benjamin T. Romualdez General Hospital and Schistosomiasis Center.
It also increases the hospital’s bed capacity from 25 to 100, upgrades its professional health care services and facilities, and authorizes the increase of its medical personnel.
RA 11567, meanwhile, renames the Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center in Tacloban City into Eastern Visayas Medical Center. It also increases the hospital’s bed capacity from 500 to 1,500 beds and appropriating funds therefor.
Other principal sponsors and authors of both measures were Sens. Bong Go and Imee Marcos and Quezon Rep. Angelina Tan, chairperson of the House Committee on Health, and ACT-CIS party-list Rep. Eric Yap, chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations.
Martin Romualdez, Go, Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea, Speaker Lord Allan Velasco, Health Sec. Francisco Duque III, and other lawmakers witnessed the ceremonial signing.
Both measures were transmitted to the President just last Wednesday, June 23, and approved during the ceremonial signing in Malacañang on Thursday.
“These measures are much-need in Palo and Tacloban especially now that we are still in a pandemic. Rest assured that we will continue to work hard for relevant measures like these for our kababayans,” the Romualdez couple said.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Why Is It Important to Commit?
If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. Matthew 16:24
Question: How deep is your spiritual commitment? You made the decision to receive life from Jesus Christ, right? But have you made a commitment to surrender, to give everything, to commit your will to Him and let His Word guide your life?
“Hold on for just a minute,” you are thinking, “not quite so fast!” I want to go to heaven, yes, but what you’re asking seems a bit much.
We are often like the chicken and the pig who, one day, were walking down the road and observed a sign on a church saying, “Missionary breakfast.” “Hum,” the chicken says, “What a marvelous idea. What do you say, let’s donate something! Tell you what: I’ll lay the eggs and you provide the bacon.” Thinking over the suggestion the pig answered, “For you that would be a donation; for me it would be total sacrifice.” There is a difference between a decision to put a little effort into something, and an unconditional-no-strings attached commitment.
“When Jesus Christ calls a man,” wrote Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a German prison cell shortly before his death, “He calls him to come and die.” But death is not very attractive to us. We want validation; we want gratification but to sustain personal sacrifice in giving something to someone else– that’s another matter. And that is exactly what is wrong with Christianity today.
In one phrase, it is a lack of commitment. “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me,” said Jesus (Matthew 16:24).
The New Testament speaks much of commitment, and in doing so the writers of Scripture used Greek words that are often translated the same but really have three nuances of meaning: 1) To abandon yourself or your ambitions to His cause; 2) To yield to His will and control; and 3) To place yourself in the hands of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master. No more forcible plea for commitment is found in the letters of Paul than the words he wrote to the Roman believers as he said, “…I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God…. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:1-2).
When it comes to your commitment to Jesus Christ, God does not force you to enlist in His cause; He invites you. The word which Paul used when he said, “present your body as a living sacrifice” is an active word. It was the same word which was used of pagans who brought sacrifices to the temple and offered them to heathen gods. Paul, however, is saying, “Look, as an act of your will, I am calling on you to give yourself as a living sacrifice to God.”
Why are we so reluctant to commit to anything—to God, your marriage, your vocation? There is risk attached to commitment, and we want to play it safe instead of becoming vulnerable, instead of abandoning ourselves to anyone or anything. We want a safe area to which we can retreat, and we put up a sign in front of our heart saying, “No trespassing,” or “Keep Out.”
Friend, if you hesitate, there’s a fundamental issue that you need to do with: Apart from commitment, there is no hope for anything that endures.
Resource reading: Romans 12: 1-8
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Learn About The True Meaning Of Commitment
But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
An old Doonesbury cartoon by Gary Trudeau pictured a young man who was being interviewed by the president of an advertising company. The dialogue went like this: The executive says, “So you want to be an ad man, eh, son?” And the young responds, “Well, I think so, sir. I mean, I can’t be certain, of course, but it seemed worth looking into, you know, to see if it worked out, if it felt right, and … I … uh…” That’s commitment… or, is it?
Commitment is a word that doesn’t get a lot of coverage today, and when it does, it is often used in jest or humor. I’m thinking of the cartoon picturing a young man talking to his girlfriend. He says, “If you ever leave me, I’ll have you committed…” Being committed to someone and having them commit to you is hardly the same thing.
“Commitment,” according to the dictionary, is the act of giving, or putting something in the trust of another. In the broader sense, it is the act of pledging or binding yourself to a certain course of action, or to a person as the case my be.
Commitment is what a pilot must have when he sits on a runway and guns his engines. There is a point at which he has to commit himself to the flight. He can sit on the runway and gun his engine until it runs out of fuel, but he will never get off the ground until he commits himself to a course of action.
Commitment is what Charles Lindberg had when he flew the Atlantic, the first man who ever to perform such a feat. Lindberg had taken his map and drew a line at a certain point, a line which he called, “the point of no return,” and when Lindberg crossed that line, no matter what happened, he had made the decision to go on, because it was closer to Europe than to the North American continent.
Commitment is the decision to go forward, to hang in there when the going gets tough, to take one more step when you are convinced all strength is gone. Commitment is the decision to stand by someone no matter what the temperature of a relationship may be, or the force of the wind that blows against it.
Today, however, the attitudes of the world mitigate against commitment. “Do your own thing”; “Seek your own fulfillment”; “Find your joy;” “If you don’t love your mate, leave. You deserve happiness”–all of these attitudes are viruses that destroy commitment.
I am convinced that commitment is an ingredient which we vitally need today, and that commitment involves three important areas of your life: (1) Your marriage; (2) Your career, and (3) Your relationship to God which should come before 1 and 2 because it vitally effects both you marriage and your career by giving a sense of spiritual purpose to life, without which there is often little reason to follow through with any commitment.
An individual who is deeply committed to something today often stands out from the crowd as someone who is different or even a little weird. He or she is considered something of an anomaly or a throw-back to another generation. I have news for you, friend. The individual who is successful, who has a sense of purpose in his life, and who knows where he or she is going, is a person of deep commitment. Show me a failure, and I’ll show you a person who lacked commitment to his mate, to his job, to himself, and to his God as well.
Commitment has always been part of God’s plan, His way. As Paul put it, “…be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” (1 Corinthians 15:58, KJV).
Resource reading: Joshua 1:1-10
LIST: New congressional districts in the 2022 elections
So far, there will be nine new seats for district representatives in the House
The House of Representatives will be bigger by a few more seats in 2022.
Due to multiple redistricting laws, there will be nine new congressional posts, so far, up for grabs in the May 9, 2022, elections.
Five of these districts were created during the current 18th Congress. The other four were created in 2019, but their seats will be filled for the first time in 2022.
Here is a list of these new districts. The most recent reapportionments are listed first.
Bulacan – 2 new districts
Republic Act 11546, signed in May 2021, reapportioned Bulacan’s four congressional districts into six.
The new groupings of the Bulacan cities and towns are:
- First District: Hagonoy, Paombong, Calumpit, Pulilan, and Bulacan
- Second Distict: Baliuag, Bustos, Plaridel, Guiguinto, Balagtas, Pandi, and Bocaue
- Third District: Angat, Doña Remedios Trinidad, San Ildefonso, San Miguel and San Rafael
- Fourth District: Meycauayan, Marilao and Obando
- Fifth District: Norzagaray and Santa Maria
San Jose del Monte City is unaffected and will continue to have its own district.
Caloocan City – 2 new district
The first district of Caloocan City was split into two after RA 11545 was signed in May 2021. The new district will be known as Caloocan’s third district.
Barangays 1 to 4, 77 to 85 and 132 to 169 will remain in the first district, while Barangays 170 to 175 and 177 to 179 will comprise the new third district and Barangays 176 and 180 to 188 will comprise the new fourth district.
Rizal – 3 new districts
Rizal's first and legislative districts was split into four via RA 11533, signed in March 2021.
The towns of San Mateo and Rodriguez will have district, to be known as the new first district, respectively. The rest of the towns – Baras, Cardona, Jala-jala, Morong, Pililla, Tanay, and Teresa – will be in the fourth district.
Santa Rosa City, Laguna – new district
The city of Santa Rosa was carved out of Laguna's first district via RA 11395 in August 2019. As a result, San Pedro City will become the sole component of the new first district.
Because RA 11395 was enacted after the 2019 elections, the district will have its first representative in the next local elections in 2022.
Mandaue City, Cebu – new district
Mandaue City was split from Cebu's sixth district by virtue of RA 11257 signed in April 2019. This will leave Consolacion and Cordova in the revised sixth district.
The law was enacted too close to the 2019 elections, thus its first representative will be elected in the next polls in 2022.
General Santos City, South Cotabato – new district
General Santos City got its own congressional district via RA 11243, which carved the city out of the first district of South Cotabato. The law was approved in March 2019.
The updated first district is composed of Polomolok, Tampakan, and Tupi towns.
Because the redistricting happened months before the May 2019 polls, the Commission on Elections (Comelec) initially held off the election for the province's first district representative. (Since the ballots have already been printed, voters were still able to cast their votes for the position.) The poll body then scheduled a special election for October 2019 to fill up the seats for the reapportioned districts.
However, the special polls were cancelled after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Shirlyn Bañas Nograles, who received the most number of votes cast in May to represent the first district in the House. Nograles successfully argued that General Santos City remained part of the first district until the next national polls in 2022.
Southern Leyte – 1 new district
Southern Leyte was split into two in February 2019 by virtue of RA 11198, months before the polls that same year. The composition of the new districts are:
- First district - Maasin City, Bontoc, Limasawa, Macrohon, Malitbog, Padre Burgos, and Tomas Oppus
- Second district - Anahawan, Hinunangan, Hinundayan, Libagon, Liloan, Pintuyan, San Francisco, San Juan, San Ricardo, Saint Bernard, Silago, and Sogod
At first, Comelec also suspended the election of representative of the lone district of Southern Leyte, originally set in the May 2019 polls, until the special election scheduled for October that same year for the two new districts. (Like in South Cotabato, voters were still able to cast their votes for the position in Southern Leyte, since the ballots have already been printed.)
However, due to the SC ruling on the General Santos City district, Comelec likewise cancelled the Southern Leyte special polls. The poll body later proclaimed Roger Mercado, who received the most votes cast in May, as representative of the lone district.
The election of representatives of the two districts will take place in 2022.
Total House members
These nine new seats will raise the total number of district representatives in the House to 252.
As a result of district seats having a new total, the seats for party list representatives will also increase by two. This will bring the party list seats to 63, which is 20% of the total House composition, in line with the 1987 Constitution.
Will there be more?
As of writing, there are at least three redistricting bills in the House that are nearing approval.
The House bill that seeks to reapportion Bataan into three districts, from two, has been transmitted to the President in late May 2021 for approval.
Meanwhile, the redistricting House bills for Iloilo City (into two districts) and Agusan del Norte (with Butuan City) have been sent to the Senate for their consideration.
Filipinos Are Watching Less TV Due to ABS-CBN Shutdown, According to Study
Going digital.
TV viewing in the Philippines dropped in lockdown year 2020, defying the global trend of increased television use as the country saw the shutdown of its biggest media network ABS-CBN.
TV usage slid to 61%, down by five percentage points, to become the third top source of news in the country, behind online (87%) and social media (72%) according to The Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2021. A total of 2,029 Filipinos were polled for the online survey conducted between January and February 2021 by British market research firm YouGov.
“The decline in TV viewing may have been partly influenced by the closure of ABS-CBN’s free-to-air stations after the House of Representatives refused to renew its franchise to operate,” it said.
ABS-CBN went off the air in May 2020 following the expiry of its franchise. The House of Representatives in July of the same year refused to grant the network a new one, prompting a more aggressive digital push.
As expected, rival network GMA saw a 79% jump in profits from the previous year for the same period, while other media firms reported reduced earnings.
"Besides benefiting from the airtime advertising resulting from ABS-CBN’s closure, GMA’s online and digital ad sales grew 36%. It has launched a DTT receiver, GMA Affordabox, and mobile dongle, GMA Now," the report said.
The report also noted that "many big television networks have taken to rebranding or reformatting programs in a bid to engage consumers."
Going digital
More Filipinos have been getting their news from social media, which saw a rise of four percentage points to 72% in 2020, the study showed.
Facebook remains the top social media source of the latest updates at 73%, followed by YouTube at 53%, Facebook Messenger at 36%, Twitter at 19%, and Instagram at 12%. Video-sharing platform TikTok, which saw its popularity boom in 2020, is also becoming a destination for news among Filipinos at 6%, the report said.
"Dependence on smartphones to access online news, including on social media, has grown among Filipinos during what was one of the world’s longest lockdowns due to COVID-19. Not surprisingly, consumption of traditional media, particularly print, has gone down," it said.
Nearly half of Filipino internet users at 47% share news via social media, messaging, or email, while 17% pay for online news.
In terms of news trust, overall confidence in news among Filipino internet users increased by five percentage points, but declined in social media by two percentage points due to "concerns over misinformation on the internet."
You can view the full report here.
Wednesday, June 23, 2021
When Is It Okay To Cheat?
Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. Romans 12:17, KJV
What’s wrong with cheating as long as you don’t get caught? While most people would publicly decry the practice, the majority of people, two-thirds, practice some form of cheating says a leading authority on human behavior. It’s the getting caught that becomes embarrassing. Especially prevalent is the practice of deception by college students according to the world’s largest private nonprofit educational testing and assessment organization.
The Educational Testing Service (ETS) indicates that while about 20% of college students admitted to cheating in high school during the 1940’s, today between 75 and 98 percent of college students surveyed each year report having cheated in high school.
So widespread has become the cheating in some universities, that the student who fails to take advantage of the test questions which are circulated in dorms or frat houses is considered really handicapped.
But then doesn’t everybody do it? College students cheat on their exams; husbands cheat on their wives; and wives stash money away which their husbands think went for household expenses. Everybody is doing it but woe to the one who gets caught. It’s getting caught that is sticky.
Bill Snead is an example. When he was one of a group of men expelled from a military academy in a cheating scandal, he told a reporter, “The other 108 cadets are no more honorable than their fellow man. I’m reserving judgment on myself…but I’m not sure I wouldn’t do it again.”
I couldn’t help but be reminded of Jack Griffin’s article entitled, IT’S OK, SON, EVERYBODY DOES IT.” He wrote, “When Johnny was six years old, he was with his father when they were caught speeding. His father handed the officer a … bill with his driver’s license. ‘It’s OK, Son,’ his father said as they drove off. ‘Everybody does it.’
“When he was eight, he was permitted at a family council, presided over by Uncle George, on the surest means to shave points off the income tax return. ‘It’s OK, kid,’ his uncle said, ‘Everybody does it.’
“When he was nine, his mother took him to his first theater production. The box office man couldn’t find any seats until his mother discover some additional money in her purse. ‘It’s ok, Son,’ she said, ‘Everybody does it.’
“When he was 12, he broke his glasses on the way to school. His Aunt Francine persuaded the insurance company that they had been stolen and they collected [the money for them].
“When he was 15, he made right guard on the football team. His coach showed him how to block and at the same time grab the opposing end by the shirt so the official couldn’t see it. ‘It’s OK, kid,’ the manager said. ‘Everybody does it.’
“When he was 16, he took his first summer job at the big market. His assignment was to put the over-ripe tomatoes in the bottom of the boxes and the good ones on the top where they would show. ‘It’s OK, kid,’ the manager said. ‘Everybody does it.’
“When he was 18, Johnny and a neighbor applied for a college scholarship. Johnny was a marginal student. His neighbor was in the upper three percent of his class, but he couldn’t play right guard. Johnny got the scholarship. ‘It’s OK,’ they told him, ‘Everybody does it.’
When he was 19, he was approached by an upper classman who offered the test answers for [a small amount of money]. ‘It’s OK,’ he said. Everybody does it. Johnny was caught and sent home in disgrace. “How could you do this to your mother and me?” his father said. “You never learned anything like this at home.” If there’s one thing the world can’t stand, it’s a kid who cheats.
Resource reading: Proverbs 11:1-31
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
What Power Does Satan Have?
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:7-8
When Bud and Shirley James went to a party and things began to drag, someone got out a Ouija board. A friend who was a Christian asked, “Will I have a baby?” The woman already had several children, and she and her husband didn’t plan for any more. However, the person operating the Ouija board replied, “Yes–twins!” Everybody had a good laugh! But six months later, nobody was laughing. The same woman gave birth to twins, who were still-born. What no one knew including the woman herself was that she was pregnant at the time.
Do things as this “just happen,” or can some manipulate information predicting the future? Long ago Saul the king of Israel wanted to know the future. He was going out to do battle with the Philistines and wanted to know if he would be victorious so Saul made a secret trip to the Witch at Endor and was shocked to learn of his impending doom which was soon enacted on the battlefield, (1 Samuel 28: 7-19).
In the New Testament Paul encountered a slave girl who could predict the future and, thereby, bring financial gain to her master, (See Acts 16:16-19). Think of the convenience. You would know where to invest, how much to bet on the game, whether or not a company would be profitable.
Seances, Ouija boards, tea leaf reading, and witches like the one who predicted Saul’s death have been with us for centuries. The Bible has a lot to say about the unseen world, or the spirit world. Instead of minimizing or ridiculing a belief in the unseen spirit world, the writers of Scripture uniformly warned against “tampering” or being involved in practices such as I have just described.
When Paul was at Ephesus, many miracles were done. It was a direct encounter with the spirit world. The demons were subject to Paul and he cast out more than a few evil spirits. About then the seven sons of a man, whose name was Sceva, decided to do the same thing, but instead of obeying them as they had Paul, evil spirits physically turned on the men “…so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded” in the words of Scripture. (Acts 19:16, KJV). Is it any wonder that truth is always stranger than fiction?
Years ago when my grandson was small, the Pokémon card game and video games were all the rage for kids. After playing the game for some time, he came to his mom one day and told her, “This isn’t a good game.” My daughter investigated further and unhappily found demon possession of the characters to be an element of the game. “But it’s just a game,” say some. The Bible, however, places spirits and the supernatural in the world of spiritual reality, never consigning them to a “make-believe” unreal world of fantasy. James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote that we are to “resist the devil” and he added that as we do so, “he will flee from you” (James 4:7). Resisting is a great deal different than toying with something as a curiosity or a past-time.
Many today think of Satan as someone who might appear at a party dressed in a red suit with horns, a forked tail and carrying a pitch-fork. However, I am convinced that if Satan should appear today, he would have a dynamic personality, be handsome and forceful. He would be very popular, with a charisma that would overwhelm many people with his dynamic, forceful ways.
Rather than taking my word for it, go to the Bible and find out how powerful this spiritual entity is.
Resource reading: 1 Peter 5:6-9
Monday, June 21, 2021
Find Out Who Satan Is
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Ephesians 6:10-11
Sarah Winchester didn’t have to be convinced of the spirit world. The widow of the man who invented the Winchester rifle believed that the spirits of the people killed by Winchester rifles would haunt her unless they could be driven away by the sound of hammers. So she had men construct a house built with stairways leading to nowhere and doors leading into one inch deep closets. For 36 years carpenters labored 24 hours a day. Eventually a house was built with 160 rooms, containing 47 fireplaces, 13 bathrooms, and 10,000 windows. Undoubtedly, it is the strangest house ever built.
The West has been behind the rest of the world to have an interest in the spirit world, focusing on the worship of Satan. But a question eventually must be faced. Are people who worship Satan playing games with words? Or, are they worshipping God’s archrival who yet has spiritual power?
Years ago the very conservative Africa Inland Mission reported that members of a Church of Satan in London, Ontario (Canada) had prayed to Satan for the elimination from the Christian ministry of a select list of the city’s leading evangelical leaders by means of immorality or breakdown of marriage and family. And what happened? In one year, reported AIM, they succeeded in seeing five of the finest men on their list forced to leave the ministry.
Possibly you are thinking, “I don’t believe that. It must have just happened.” Dr. William McRae, then President of Ontario Bible College and Theological Seminary didn’t have to be convinced. He wrote, “Never in my life have I sensed the reality of our spiritual warfare as during these last two years. The enemy has brought out his most destructive weapons and leveled them directly at marriage and families.” The world’s oldest authority on satanic power, the Bible, never scoffs at demonic power. Peter, the man who witnessed demons going out of a man into a herd of swine during the ministry of Jesus, later wrote, “…Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter. 5:8). The Apostle Paul wrote to families at Ephesus and told them that Satan was “the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience” (Ephesians 2:2, KJV).
There is another factor which has to be considered. When Satan first attacked the human race, he attacked the family and tried to destroy the relationship of a husband and wife. As you no doubt have seen, Satan is still at the old business of attacking families. When Paul wrote that classic passage in Ephesians 6, he encouraged families to “be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” He said, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:10-11).
The Greek word which is translated, “schemes” is methodeia. We get our English word “method” from the same word. It means, “methodical assault.” The problem confronting so many today is that Satan has had a lot of experience tripping us up, while we are neophytes on the battlefield who have not taken the protection we need to safeguard our lives and families. Do two things: 1) Take a good look at the relationships in your family; and then 2) Read the passage in Ephesians 6 and ask yourself if you need to beef up your protection.
Resource reading: Ephesians 6:10-19
NBA: Booker triple-double powers Suns past Clippers in West finals Game 1
Devin Booker posted his first career triple-double Sunday afternoon, when he scored 40 points and collected 13 rebounds and 11 assists as the host Phoenix Suns outlasted the Los Angeles Clippers, 120-114, in Game 1 of the Western Conference finals.
Game 2 is scheduled for Tuesday night in Phoenix.
Booker scored 16 consecutive points for the Suns in the third quarter and 29 in the second half for second-seeded Phoenix, which was without All-Star point guard Chris Paul (health and safety protocols). Deandre Ayton scored 20 points with nine rebounds while Mikal Bridges (14 points), Jae Crowder (13 points), Cameron Johnson (12 points) and Cameron Payne (11 points, nine assists) also got into double digits.
Paul George scored 34 points and dueled with Booker throughout the second half for the Clippers, who played the first conference finals game in franchise history. Reggie Jackson had 24 points and DeMarcus Cousins added 11 points off the bench.
Kawhi Leonard missed his third straight game with a right knee injury.
Neither team led by more than five points in the first half, during which there were 18 lead changes and eight ties, before George (16 points) and Booker (18 points) put on a show in the third quarter, when they combined to score almost half the combined points generated by both teams.
The Suns took their first eight-point lead at 76-68 on a pair of free throws by Booker with 7:13 left. George then scored eight straight points to tie the score before Booker drained a turnaround jumper to put Phoenix up 78-76. But Jackson sandwiched a pair of 3-pointers around a basket by Ivica Zubac to complete the 16-2 run that gave the Clippers an 84-78 lead.
Booker scored five straight points and George answered with a 3-pointer. After Zubac hit a free throw, Booker collected seven unanswered points to put the Suns ahead 90-88. George sank two free throws to tie the score again, after which Torrey Craig and George traded 3-pointers to end the quarter.
The teams swapped baskets to open the fourth before the Suns mounted a 10-0 run in which Booker had five points and Johnson had the dunk that gave Phoenix its biggest lead at 105-95.
The Suns maintained a multi-possession lead and seemed on their way to a routine victory when Bridges drained a 3-pointer to extend the Suns' lead to 116-106 with 1:59 left. But Rajon Rondo scored five straight points before Terence Mann's 3-pointer -- the third 3-point attempt of the possession for the Clippers -- cut the lead to 116-114.
Following a timeout, Booker drove the lane for a dunk and Los Angeles missed a pair of shots on its next possession.
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Ang Probinsyano, hindi pa matitibag sa ere; First Yaya girls, forever friendship ang nabuo
Habang nalalapit ang pagwawakas ng Kapuso primetime series na First Yaya, lalong nagiging kapana-panabik ang mga kaganapan dito.
Nagpasulsol si Edna (Sandy Andolong) kay VP Luis Prado (Gardo Versoza), at nagpasyang kasuhan ang maglolang sina Blessie (Pilar Pilapil) at Nina (Cassy Legaspi).
Wala na bang puwang ang pagpapatawad sa puso ni Yaya Melody (Sanya Lopez)? Tuluyan na bang magkakalayo sila ni PGA (Gabby Concepcion)?
Pakisagot, Pepita (Kakai Bautista) at Norma (Cai Bautista)!
Hanggang Hulyo 2, Biyernes, na lang ang First Yaya, na napapanood Lunes hanggang Biyernes, pagkatapos ng 24 Oras sa GMA-7.
Sabi po nina Florence Dave Espiritu at Christian Maloles, kapag naibalik ang ABS-CBN bilang terrestrial free TV broadcast network ay napapanood sa analog channel 2 at digital channels 16 at 43 sa Metro Manila, Sky Cable channel 8 SD at Sky Direct channel 1, permanenteng kapalit ng Kapamilya Channel sa lahat ng mga cable at satellite television providers sa buong bansa; dahil sa terminasyon ng mga deal sa blocktime at mga kasunduan sa pakikipagtulungan ng ZOE Broadcasting Network, Brightlight Productions at TV5 / Cignal at aprubahan ang prangkisa mula sa Kongreso:

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